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Friday 12 May 2017

Understanding Nested Application Modules in Oracle ADF

Application Module acts as a container for view Object and view Link business components that are used in a specific task. It provides data model and data control to show required information and perform action for the client
An application module represents a single transaction and owns one database connection that's why commit and rollback works for all view Objects inside an application module

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Check for dirty (Uncommitted) data of current view port (page) on a button click or any event in ADF

Sometimes we need to check for uncommitted data on page and perform actions according to that, Suppose there is a button to navigate to another page but only if there is no uncommitted data in current page
We can use uncommitted data warning property of af:document to show an alert dialog but in that way, we can't execute our custom logic

Previously I have posted about checking dirty data of a transactional data control but in that, we need to check that for each data control separately that is rendering on page

Thursday 4 May 2017

Implement contains/endswith behavior in model based autoSuggest Lov (Input list and combo box)

Hello All

Hope Everyone knows about list of values and autoSuggest beahvior of ADF Framework,
For those who are new to framework can look at this post
ADF Basics : Implementing auto suggest behavior in ADF Faces lov (list of values)

Monday 1 May 2017

Undo row selection of af:table in selection listener method conditionally

Recently I have seen a question on OTN Jdeveloper forum and It was about table selection listener
Requirement is like this suppose user has to check a condition after selecting a row and if that condition is true only then new row will be selected else selected row should be previous one

It means undo row selection on validation(condition) failure
So In this post I am implementing same scenario and here I am using Departments table of HR Schema to prepare model and condition is that user should be able to select new row only if ManagerId is not null

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Resize FacesMessage, Change look n feel of Message Box using ADF Skin

We all must have used FacesMessage somewhere in ADF application, FacesMessage is used to show any notification like error, warning or confirmation
Here you can read more about FacesMessage

Previously I have posted about changing default icon of FacesMessage using ADF Skin now this post is about resizing FacesMessage dialog and changing it's look and feel

Saturday 22 April 2017

Blog listed in 'Top 60 Oracle Blogs on planet' listing on Feedspot

Feedspot is modern RSS reader built especially for power users who want to save time
and they have a listed Top 60 Oracle Blogs on Planet based on following critera

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Get af:richTextEditor value without HTML formatting and tags using jsoup library

is used to format text in rich text using HTML formatting and it is used to get the formatted text. Previously I have posted about it
Cool Component - Using af:richTextEditor as text editor, HTML editor with custom toolbox in Oracle ADF

Monday 17 April 2017

Show saved file (pdf/text/html/xml/image) content on page from database (BLOB) in ADF Application

Hello All

Previously I have posted about uploading and saving files in database blob column now this post is about showing saved file content on page using ADF Faces inline frame component

In this post I am extending same previous application, Now see how we can implement this
There are few more steps to go , See the additional steps to show file content on page-

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Oracle ADF Best Practices, Mistakes and Worst Practices

In this post I am putting some practices and that we should follow while using Oracle Application Development Framework for development

Monday 10 April 2017

ADF Basics| Tip to Hide af:inputListOfValues search popup at runtime

Hello All

Previously I have posted about a requiremnt of  hiding af:inputListOfValues search icon using CSS
ADF Skinning | Hiding search icon of af:inputListOfValues using CSS & StyleClass

In that solution search icon doesn't appear on page but it is a part of JSF component tree so when user press TAB+SPACE after entering a value in lov component then search popup appears on screen as this action invokes search icon click event

Recently a Friend of mine came across another requirement that was not showing lov popup at all as only autoSuggest behavior was required , so for this first way is to use autoSuggest behavior in an af:inputText compoent using Lov bindings and second way is to short circuit component life cycle

Saturday 8 April 2017

Uploading and downloading files from database (BLOB) in Oracle ADF (12.1.3)

Hello all

This post is about a very simple requirement -file handling (uploading and downloading various types of file) in ADF and it is needed very often to store file in absolute server path (actual path) and download from there and I have posted about that previously

Uploading and downloading files from absolute server path

Now this post is about uploading and saving file in database BLOB column and downloading from there
See step by step implementation -

Saturday 1 April 2017

OTN Question: Not able to see last record in af:table when using icons (May be a bug)

Hello All

This post is about a problem that occurs sometimes in af:table when we use icon in any column, I am not sure that it is a bug or not but sometimes table is not fully stretched on first load and last row doesn't appear properly on page but after refreshing page again problem is solved.

Monday 20 March 2017

ADF Basics: Tip for not showing record in dependent lov

Hello All

Recently I have seen a question on OTN forum - Question on cascading LOV

It was about cascading lovs in ADF
Suppose we have 2 dependent LOVs and requirement is that 2nd lov should not show any data until first one is selected , this is very simple and common use case but for beginners it's a tedious task

So I thought to write it here to help others