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Wednesday 29 November 2017

Export ViewObject data to Excel File Using Apache POI in Oracle ADF

Hello All

Previously I have posted about importing data in ADF Table from Excel file

This post is about exporting viewObject data in Excel file using Apache POI API, Apache POI provides HSFF and XSFF to read , create and modify spreadsheets.
You can download POI jars from The APACHE Software Foundation or from here
Other than this you need to use xmlbeans and common-collections Jar

Monday 13 November 2017

ADF Basics: Add the row at the end of ViewObject's current RowSet in ADF

This post is about adding a row at the end of current rowset of viewObject without using table or any other UI components binding

Here I have a Department ViewObject (HR Schema), dropped as a table on page and a button to add new row, this button calls a method from model using binding layer