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Showing posts with label ADF table. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ADF table. Show all posts

Thursday 18 May 2017

Populate data in ADF Table using Web Service Data Control

My previous post was about creating a JAX-WS Web Service from Java Bean. Now In this post, I am going to elaborate about consuming that Web Service in ADF Application and show Employees data in ADF Table

So for this requirement, We need to use Web Service Data Control and from that WSDL we can create ADF Faces components

Let's see how to implement this

Monday 1 May 2017

Undo row selection of af:table in selection listener method conditionally

Recently I have seen a question on OTN Jdeveloper forum and It was about table selection listener
Requirement is like this suppose user has to check a condition after selecting a row and if that condition is true only then new row will be selected else selected row should be previous one

It means undo row selection on validation(condition) failure
So In this post I am implementing same scenario and here I am using Departments table of HR Schema to prepare model and condition is that user should be able to select new row only if ManagerId is not null

Thursday 3 November 2016

Use View Criteria Query Execution Mode for In-Memory filtering of rows

Hello All

Sometimes we need to filter uncommitted records and query based bind variable or setWhereClause method doesn't do the job in that case as it requeries viewObject and filters committed records only

So for this type of requirement we can use view criteria. View criteria works on basis of it's query execution mode

By default it is set to Database only and we can change it to Memory (In-Memory filtering only) and both (DB and In-Memory filtering)
Here In-Memory filtering means rows that are not commited yet also get filtered

Monday 16 May 2016

How to queue SelectionEvent programmatically, Call af:table Selection Listener programmatically

Hello All
Hope you all are doing good :) 
Previously I have posted about defining custom selection listener for af:table and perform desired operation on selection event of table row

Selection Listener is fired when server receives a selection event from client means whenever user selects a row in table (Selection Event) then server process that event and execute selection listener defined in managed bean

And this post is about creating selection event programmatically without user interaction with table.
In ADF we can queue ActionEvent , ValueChangeEvent and in same manner we can create and queue SelectionEvent programmatically

Monday 24 November 2014

Populate af:table programmatically from managead bean using POJO

This post is about a common question
How can we populate an af:table programmatically ?

It means that data in af:table is not populated through model layer (Using ViewObject) using binding layer. lets say I have some values in our managed bean and have to show records in tabular format on page

So what we have to do -
  • First you should know the number and data type of columns in table, suppose i have to populate a table for person details (name, mobile number and salary). to get and set value of columns i have created a java bean class , it has 3 variable for 3 columns

  • // Java Class to set and get value for table column
    public class PersonBean {
        public PersonBean(String name, String moNo, Integer salary) {
            this.Name = name;
            this.mobNo = moNo;
            this.salary = salary;
        private String Name;
        private String mobNo;
        private Integer salary;
        public void setName(String Name) {
            this.Name = Name;
        public String getName() {
            return Name;
        public void setMobNo(String mobNo) {
            this.mobNo = mobNo;
        public String getMobNo() {
            return mobNo;
        public void setSalary(Integer salary) {
            this.salary = salary;
        public Integer getSalary() {
            return salary;

  • Next step is to create a managed bean for referencing af:table , this managed bean makes use of person java bean class to add data in same format for all table rows. A List data structure is used to pass all values in af:table. See code of managed bean 

  • //ArrayList to poplate data in af:table
        List<PersonBean> personList = new ArrayList();
        //To Populate default row in table (Code in Constructor)
        public ProgTableBean() {
            personList.add(new PersonBean("Ashish Awasthi", "xxxxxxxxxx", 50000));
        public void setPersonList(List<PersonBean> personList) {
            this.personList = personList;
        public List<PersonBean> getPersonList() {
            return personList;

  • Now just drop an af:table on page and set it's properties like value, column header and text values in columns

  •  As i have to show only 3 columns so deleted extra ones

     Set properties -
     value- from where table collection is populated
     columns values- take the var reference of table and refer variable name in List (here 'row' is table var and second is variable name in person bean class)

     See the XML source of af:table-

    <af:table var="row" rowBandingInterval="1" id="t1" value="#{viewScope.ProgTableBean.personList}"
                        <af:column sortable="false" headerText="Name" id="c1" width="150">
                            <af:outputText value="#{}" id="ot1"/>
                        <af:column sortable="false" headerText="Mobile Number" id="c2">
                            <af:outputText value="#{row.mobNo}" id="ot2"/>
                        <af:column sortable="false" headerText="Salary" id="c3" align="right">
                            <af:outputText value="#{row.salary}" id="ot3"/>

  • Now run this application and see there will be one row in table as code is added in constructor of managed to populate one row

  • I have added a form and button in page to add new records in table , see the form source code

  • <af:panelFormLayout id="pfl1">
                        <f:facet name="footer"/>
                        <af:inputText label="Name :" id="it1" binding="#{viewScope.ProgTableBean.nameBind}"/>
                        <af:inputText label="Mobile Number :" id="it2" binding="#{viewScope.ProgTableBean.mobNumBind}"/>
                        <af:inputText label="Salary :" id="it3" binding="#{viewScope.ProgTableBean.salaryBind}">
                        <af:button text="Add Record" id="b1" actionListener="#{viewScope.ProgTableBean.addNewRcord}"/>

    Code in managed bean for button action-

        /**Method to add new record in table
         * @param actionEvent
        public void addNewRcord(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            //Get all values using compoenet binding as mobNumBind
            if (mobNumBind.getValue() != null && nameBind.getValue() != null &&
                salaryBind.getValue() !=
                null) {
                // Add new Record in List
                personList.add(new PersonBean(nameBind.getValue().toString(), mobNumBind.getValue().toString(),

  • now run and check application- 

 More posts on POJO Based table -

Get selected row (single/multiple) from POJO based table in ADF
Apply sorting to POJO based af:table programmatically , Using custom sort listener in ADF

Thanks , Happy Learning :)
Download-Sample ADF Application

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Blocking row navigation in af:table , synchronize row selection with model in case of validation failure- Oracle ADF

In ADF we often work on editable af:table and when we use af:table to insert ,update or delete data, it is normal to use some validation
but problem is when some validation failure occurs on page (in af:table) ,still we can select another row and it shows as currently selected Row
this is a bit confusing for user as Row Selection of af:table is not synchronized with model or binding layer

See Problem- 
  • I have an editable table on page

  • Added a validation to check negative value in field of LocationId, now navigate to another row

  • See selected focus is on Academic, but problem is when there is validation failure, why it is showing other row as selected ? 

  • If you check in ViewObject , you will find that row with DepartmentName Human Resource is current row

ADF framework provides a property in af:table to control navigation in af:table when there is some error or validation failure- blockRowNavigationOnError
See in oracle docs about this proprty-

Valid Values: always, never, auto

Whether we want to block row navigation in case of validation failure.
This is when you select a row and do some editing inside the table or in a related form, and this editing causes some validation failures. At this time, if you click on a different row in table, we want to block you from moving to the new row.
possible values are: always, never and auto. default value is auto.

  • always means we block the row navigation
  • never means we don't block and let the row navigation happen
  • auto means the framework will make the decision

by default in af:tabel it's value is <auto>

Change it to <always> and now see behavior on page

 now if you try to select another row, it is not get selected and selected focus is on row with validation

Sample ADF Application-Download
Cheers - Happy Learning :-)

Thursday 10 April 2014

Pagination in ADF table with Jdeveloper 12.1.2 (ADF 12C) - returned back

Hello All,
Pagination in ADF table was very requested feature after Jdev & ADF 10g.
now in 12C again it is here and quite simple

  • Created a fusion web application using Departments table of HR Schema and dropped it on page as ADF table

  • Now suppose i want to show pagination after 5 rows so to achieve this follow these steps
  • Select table in structure window and go to property inspector change it's scrollPolicy to page ,scrollPolicy is mechanism to scroll data inside table

  • Now select table on page and go to binding tab and select IteratorBinding of Departments table and change rangeSize to 5, by default it is 25 (means fetched 25 rows at a time)

  • Set autoheightRows to 0 and styleClass to AFStretchWidth and you are done now run your page

  • It works good in mozilla ,chrome and IE, but sometimes you can face a problem of finding current row as it may be in second page :-(

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Using af:switcher in ADF Faces to dynamically render page components

Hello all,,
Sometimes we need to display page components on a condition basis , this can be achieved in adf using af:switcher component
Normally switcher component is a collection of multiple facets and on a given condition it decides that which facet should be rendered.

How to use af:switcher- see the steps

  • Create a Fusion web application and create business components using Departments and Employees table (HR Schema)
  •  Now create a page in view Controller and drop a switcher component from component palette
  • Switcher is pure server side component so it doesn't have any client representation, so next move is to add facets in af:switcher, to add facets in switcher,
    just right click--insert inside af:switcher-- facet

  • As in this tutorial i am going to show 2 tables(Departments U& Employees) so added 2 facets in af:switcher

  • Now time to drop tables in corresponding facets, Employees Table in Emp, Departments Table in Dept
  •  Now i have created a static List that has values D for Departments and E for Employees, when user selects D the Departments table will be shown and for E Employees table will be shown

  • to do this select af:switcher and go to FacetName property and open expression builder to write conditional expression
  •  Now run this page and select values in list to see- how switcher works

  Download Sample App Cheers :-)

Sunday 3 March 2013

'filterFeatures' in ADF table column, caseInsensitive search in af:table filter

Quite small but useful trick-

In ADF table column when we apply search using filter it matches case (A-Z,a-z), means by default search is case sensitive, to change it you can change a property in column.

When you select a column and go to propertyInspector ,change 'filterFeatures' to 'caseInsensitive'
and It will search data in table without matching case

filterFeature property of table column to handle case sensitive search

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Invoke ADF Table Selection Listener, custom selection listener for af:table

Sometimes we need to define our own selection listener for adf table, or we have to perform some operation on row selection in af:table.

We can do this by defining custom selection listener for table in Managed bean.
In this tutorial i am showing a popup on table row selection , Here i am using Employees table of HR Schema
  • Prepare model and ViewController for Employees table and drag table in your page. Now select table and go to property Inspector , you will see its default selection listener 

Selection Listener of af:table

  • Now define your own (custom) selection listener for this table in your managed bean
Create custom selection listener in managed bean to handle selection event on af:table

  • Now write this code snippet on that custom selection listener,this code invokes its default listener and get the selected row. first you have to invoke its default listener that is

    public void empTableSelectionListener(SelectionEvent selectionEvent) {
        ADFUtil.invokeEL("#{bindings.Employees1.collectionModel.makeCurrent}", new Class[] {SelectionEvent.class},
                         new Object[] { selectionEvent });
        // get the selected row , by this you can get any attribute of that row
        Row selectedRow =
            (Row)ADFUtil.evaluateEL("#{bindings.Employees1Iterator.currentRow}"); // get the current selected row
        //to show popup, you can write your logic here , what you wanna do
        showPopup(empPopup, true);

  • you have to import these packages in order to invoke selection listener

import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.SelectionEvent;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.ExtendedRenderKitService;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.Service;

  • In above code snippet ADFUtil is an utility class that contains methods for invoking EL (Expression language), so you have to make a Java class named ADFUtil in same package as bean
import java.util.Map;

import javax.el.ELContext;
import javax.el.ExpressionFactory;
import javax.el.MethodExpression;
import javax.el.ValueExpression;

import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
import oracle.adf.model.DataControlFrame;

 * Provides various utility methods that are handy to
 * have around when working with ADF.

public class ADFUtil {

* When a bounded task flow manages a transaction (marked as requires-transaction,.
* requires-new-transaction, or requires-existing-transaction), then the
* task flow must issue any commits or rollbacks that are needed. This is
* essentially to keep the state of the transaction that the task flow understands
* in synch with the state of the transaction in the ADFbc layer.
* Use this method to issue a commit in the middle of a task flow while staying
* in the task flow.

public static void saveAndContinue() {
Map sessionMap =
BindingContext context =
String currentFrameName = context.getCurrentDataControlFrame();
DataControlFrame dcFrame =


* Programmatic evaluation of EL.
* @param el EL to evaluate
* @return Result of the evaluation

public static Object evaluateEL(String el) {
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
ExpressionFactory expressionFactory =
ValueExpression exp =
expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, el,

return exp.getValue(elContext);

* Programmatic invocation of a method that an EL evaluates to.
* The method must not take any parameters.
* @param el EL of the method to invoke
* @return Object that the method returns

public static Object invokeEL(String el) {
return invokeEL(el, new Class[0], new Object[0]);

* Programmatic invocation of a method that an EL evaluates to.
* @param el EL of the method to invoke
* @param paramTypes Array of Class defining the types of the parameters
* @param params Array of Object defining the values of the parametrs
* @return Object that the method returns

public static Object invokeEL(String el, Class[] paramTypes,
Object[] params) {
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
ExpressionFactory expressionFactory =
MethodExpression exp =
expressionFactory.createMethodExpression(elContext, el,
Object.class, paramTypes);

return exp.invoke(elContext, params);

* Sets a value into an EL object. Provides similar functionality to
* the <af:setActionListener> tag, except the from is
* not an EL. You can get similar behavior by using the following...

* setEL(to, evaluateEL(from))
* @param el EL object to assign a value
* @param val Value to assign

public static void setEL(String el, Object val) {
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
ExpressionFactory expressionFactory =
ValueExpression exp =
expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, el,

exp.setValue(elContext, val);

Thursday 29 November 2012

Add Serial No. in Table in ADF, Auto Increment column in ADF table

ADF provides easy way to add a autoincrement column in table to make Serial No. or Sequence Column for table ,thats value autoincrements with no.of rows in table .
You have to follow these steps to do this.

  • Go to tabel properties (property Inspector) and set VarStatus to vs

set varStatus of af:table to vs
  •  Now add a column in table and drop an output text inside this new added column
Add new column to af:table to show serial number for each row
  • Select output text and Go to its property inspector and set value to #{vs.index+1} as it is selected in Expression Builder by going through- 

using varStatus we can access various built in function like index,count etc
  • You have done now run your page and you can see a serial no. column
af:table with serial number column