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Showing posts with label javascript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label javascript. Show all posts

Saturday 30 March 2019

Getting started with Oracle JET and Jdeveloper

 I am writing some posts about Oracle JET and these posts are my learning experience so if you find any wrong info then let me know. Being an ADF developer I started using JET with JDeveloper instead of Netbeans. This is the first post and here I am sharing how to set up Oracle JET and JDeveloper to work together.

What is Oracle JET (From Docs)-

Oracle JET is targeted at JavaScript developers working on client-side applications. It's a collection of open-source JavaScript libraries along with a set of Oracle contributed JavaScript libraries that make it as simple and efficient as possible to build applications that consume and interact with Oracle products and services, especially Oracle Cloud services.

You can read more about Oracle JET

Now download Oracle JET from Oracle Technology Network - Download Oracle JET, Here I am going to use the NavDrawer template

Creating an Oracle JET Application using Oracle JDeveloper

The first step is to create a custom application in JDeveloper, Here I am using Jdeveloper12.1.3

Enter the project name and select technologies (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) to use in this project

Click on Finish and create the application.

Next is to create a public_html folder in this project, Right-click on the Project --> New --> From Gallery --> General --> Folder, Enter the folder name and click OK

Navigate to the directory where the public_html folder is created and unzip the Oracle JET folder. It'll look like this after extracting the JET bundle (We have downloaded that before)

Now In JDeveloper click on the refresh button and you can see that JET files appear under the Web Content folder

Now right click on index.html and choose Run and you can see running application in your default browser

This is the first post in this series, I'll try to post more about my experience with Oracle JET and JDeveloper.

Cheers 🙂

Friday 14 December 2018

Top 20 Most Popular Technologies (Programming/Scripting Languages) in 2018

 2018 came to an end and like every year StackOverflow performed a developer community survey asking developers about their favourite technologies, learning process, location, job type, experience etc.

This survey has an opinion of more than 100,000 developers across the world and as per their survey here goes a list of top 20 most popular programming languages across the world.

Here you can see that JavaScript is the winner with 69.8% developers using it and as per StackOverflow's previous year surveys, JavaScript is the most used programming/scripting languages since last 6 years. Java is the 5th most popular programming language with 45.3% developer base.

You can also see that HTML is widely used as it is the second most popular technology. There are more backend developers (57.9%) than front-end developers (37.8%) and you'll be surprised to know that 80% of user are coding as a hobby. There are only 1.7% developers with 30+ years of experience and approx 20% of developers are student. 87% of users taught themselves a new language and framework without taking any course. Python is the fastest growing programming language, for details go through this article - The Incredible Growth of Python

Read complete Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2018

Monday 17 September 2018

Set current date in af:inputDate on double click using javascript in ADF

This post is about a question that is asked on the OTN forum. In this post, I'll show you how we can set the current date in af:inputDate component with a double click of the mouse. For this, we need to use a simple javascript function.

Here we have an inputDate component on the page and added javascript function as a resource in the page. See page XML source

  1. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  2. <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1" xmlns:f=""
  3. xmlns:af="">
  4. < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
  5. <f:view>
  6. <af:document title="SetCurrentDate.jspx" id="d1">
  7. <af:resource type="javascript">
  8. function setDate(evt) {
  9. var comp = evt.getSource()
  10. comp.setValue(new Date());
  11. }
  12. </af:resource>
  13. <af:form id="f1">
  14. <af:inputDate label="Label 1" id="id1">
  15. <af:clientListener method="setDate" type="dblClick"/>
  16. </af:inputDate>
  17. </af:form>
  18. </af:document>
  19. </f:view>
  20. </jsp:root>

All done, as you can see that the javascript function is called using clientListener on double click event of input date component.

Cheers ðŸ™‚ Happy Learning

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Add new row and copy existing row to HTML table using JavaScript

Hello All

This post is about adding new row in HTML table using form entry or copy existing row to table using javascript

So here I have created a HTML page, added a form, two buttons, and a table on page and it looks like this

Saturday 22 April 2017

Blog listed in 'Top 60 Oracle Blogs on planet' listing on Feedspot

Feedspot is modern RSS reader built especially for power users who want to save time
and they have a listed Top 60 Oracle Blogs on Planet based on following critera

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Blog Completed 3 awesome years

I am happy to tell you that my (Ashish Awasthi's Blog) blog has completed 3 years today.
On 14-October-2012 i have posted my first blog post on ADF Basics: Show inline Message in Oracle ADF and till now blog has more than 180 posts on ADF, Java, JavaScript, jQuery etc.

I started blogging to help Java & ADF developers, to share what i have learnt and still trying to do same
Initially started this blog with - & after one year changed it to a custom domain

It has 1700+ fan following on facebook -Facebook Page
Now i am trying to put some more interesting stuff to learn, Keep an eye on blog

Taking as a whole it was awesome journey of 3 years :) Thanks for your support , Keep reading Keep Learning :)

Now say Happy B'day to Ashish Awasthi's Blog  :)

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Facebook, Twitter, Google - Create large share buttons using JavaScript

This post is not like my other posts (ADF & Java), It is about creating custom large share buttons for Facebook, Twitter and Google+
Actually this share functionality of social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc) works on a particular url pattern

Let's take example of Facebook , to share any url on Facebook just pass that url as a parameter in this url
See when i open this url on browser (I have passed in url parameter) , it shows standard Facebook share page

Saturday 8 August 2015

Set ADF Faces Component properties using custom javascript

This post is about using JavaScript in ADF Faces to change default properties , sometimes using JavaScript can make task easier and all scenarios covered in this post are based on very common requirement. One important point is - set clientComponent property of component to true when using JavaScript on that
Why this is important ? (Check what docs say)

whether a client-side component will be generated. A component may be generated whether or not this flag is set, but if client Javascript requires the component object, this must be set to true to guarantee the component's presence. Client component objects that are generated today by default may not be present in the future; setting this flag is the only way to guarantee a component's presence, and clients cannot rely on implicit behavior. However, there is a performance cost to setting this flag, so clients should avoid turning on client components unless absolutely necessary

Read more about clientComponent property - Understanding ADF Faces clientComponent attribute

Set panel group layout properties-

Use this JavaScript function to set panel group layout's layout and other properties

 <!--Function to set panelGroupLayout properties-->
              function changeGroupLayout(evt) {
                  var pgl = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('pgl1');
                  pgl.setProperty("layout", "vertical");
                  pgl.setProperty("inlineStyle", "background-color:red");

I have called this function using client listener on a image that is inside my panel group layout

<af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1" layout="horizontal" clientComponent="true">
                    <af:image source="#{resource['images:5-10.jpg']}" id="i1" inlineStyle="width:250px;height:200px;"/>
                    <af:image source="#{resource['images:13.jpg']}" id="i2" inlineStyle="width:250px;height:200px;">
                        <af:clientListener method="changeGroupLayout" type="dblClick"/>
                    <af:image source="#{resource['images:1.jpg']}" id="i3" inlineStyle="width:250px;height:200px;"/>

Initially group layout is horizontal-

After executing JavaScript on double click on second image-

Set input component property (inlineStyle, contentStyle, value etc)-

This function is same as previous one , this function sets value in input text , changes it's contentStyle

<!--Function to set af:inputText properties-->
              function changeInputText(evt) {
                  var iText = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('it1');
                  iText.setProperty("value", "Ashish Awasthi");
                  iText.setProperty("contentStyle", "background-color:red;color:white;font-weight:bold;");


Called this function on double click event in inputText-

<af:inputText label="Label 1" id="it1" clientComponent="true" unsecure="disabled">
                        <af:clientListener method="changeInputText" type="dblClick"/>

Output is like this-
 on double click inside inputText

In same way we can set disabled property of component . It is a secure property of component , that should not be changed from a client side event normally but if this is a requirement then we have to set disabled in unsecure property of input component. Only disable property is supported as of now
Read more about this property -<af:inputText>

Set panelSplitter width according to browser window width-

This JavaScript function divides af:panelSplitter in equal parts to fit in browser

 <!--Function to set panel Splitter position-->
              function changePanelSpliterPosition(evt) {
                  var width = window.innerWidth;
                  var ps = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('ps1');
                  ps.setProperty("splitterPosition", width / 2);

In same way try setting other properties of different components. Soon i will update this post with some more JavaScript functions and examples

Cheers :)  Happy Learning

Thursday 4 June 2015

Create and set clientAttribute to ADF Faces component programmatically to pass value on client side JavaScript

This post is next in series of "Working with ADF Faces Components programmatically"

So this post is about creating client Attribute, applying it to component and setting it's value programmatically
this requirement comes in picture when user is dealing with dynamic layout means components are created programmatically at run time and it is not possible to apply clientAttribute and other properties declarative

In this i am extending my previous post -
Apply Client/Server listener to programmatically created components, apply JavaScript to ADF Faces components at run time

In previous post i have described about applying client listener and server listener programmatically
here we will see how to pass a variable value to java script function using client attribute
You can read more about af:clientAttribute here

From oracle docs-
The clientAttribute tag specifies the name/value for an attribute which will both be made available both on the server-side (Faces) component as well on on the client-side equivalent. This tag will be ignored for any server-rendered components, as it is only supported for the rich client. ClientAttributes are not synchronized to the server since unknown attributes from the client are not synchronized to the server.

Lets' see how we can do this ,It's simple just check this code -

//Code from previous post to create inputText programmatically 
        RichInputText ui = new RichInputText();
        ui.setValue("Programmatically Created Input Text");

Here i am not writing code to apply client/server listener again , refer previous post for that
See the code to add client attributes to component (inputText)

        // A Set that contains all clientAttributes
        java.util.Set<String> clientAttributes = new HashSet<String>();

        // Add client attribute's name

        //Add these attributes to a UI Compoenent

        //here assign values to client attributes
        ui.getAttributes().put("clientAttribute1", "Oracle ADF");
        ui.getAttributes().put("clientAttribute2", 9999);
        ui.getAttributes().put("clientAttribute3", "Ashish Awasthi");

So all done , now check it
For that i have used this javascript method

function demoJsFunction(evt) {
                  var comp = evt.getSource();

this method is called using client listener on input text and see the alert messages
First client attribute value-

Second client attribute value-

Third client attribute value-

So this is working :)
Cheers :) Happy Learning

Friday 29 May 2015

Apply Client/Server listener to programmatically created components, apply JavaScript to ADF Faces components at run time

Hello All

This post is next in series of "Working with ADF Faces Components programmatically"
Previous posts are-

Creating dynamic layout (form and UI Component) using ADF Faces
Get Value from programmatically created components , Iterate over parent component to get child values in ADF Faces 
Apply ActionListener to programmatically created buttons/link in ADF

Now this post is about applying client listener & server listener (to execute some javascript function) to a programmatically created component (inputText, outputText etc)

Let's see the implementation part (Jdev 12.13) -

  • First created a FusionWebApplication and a page in viewController project
  • Dropped a button on page , on this button action i will create an inputText programmatically
  • To create new inputText i have added following code (described in previous posts)

  •     /**Method to add dynamically created component to a parent layout
         * @param parentUIComponent
         * @param childUIComponent
        public void addComponent(UIComponent parentUIComponent, UIComponent childUIComponent) {

            //Code to create af:inputText and add it to panelgroup layout
            RichInputText ui = new RichInputText();
            ui.setValue("Programmatically Created Input Text");
            //getParentGroupLayoutBind is the component binding of parent panel group layout
            addComponent(getParentGroupLayoutBind(), ui);

  • Now first part is done - Creation of input text , next is to assign client and server listener to it
    So for that first we have to add some JavaScript function in page that will be called using clientListener
    I have added this JavaScript function in page, it just fires a custom event from client and pass component value as parameter

  •         function demoJsFunction(evt){
              var comp = evt.getSource();
              AdfCustomEvent.queue(comp, "ServerEventToGetValue", {fvalue:comp.getSubmittedValue()}, true);

  • One more thing is to define server listener method in managed bean so that we can apply it to inputText at run time

  •     /**Server Listener - It will be called on execution of client side javascript
         * @param clientEvent
        public void testServerListener(ClientEvent clientEvent) {
            //To get value passed from Client Event
            String val = clientEvent.getParameters().get("fvalue").toString();
            FacesMessage msg=new FacesMessage("Server Listener Called and value in inputText is - " + val);
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);

  • Now create clientListener/ServerListener programmatically and assign both to inputText
    Pass server listener method name along with managed bean name

  •         // Create new Client Listener and assign method name and type
            ClientListenerSet CL = new ClientListenerSet();
            CL.addListener("click", "demoJsFunction");
            //Add Server listener , assign client event name and resolve pre-defined serverlistener
            // Add clientListener/ServeListener to inputText

    Helper method to resolve expression-

        /**To Resolve ServerListener method
         * @param s
         * @return
        public MethodExpression getMethodExpression(String s) {
            FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            ELContext elctx = fc.getELContext();
            ExpressionFactory elFactory = fc.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
            MethodExpression methodExpr = elFactory.createMethodExpression(elctx, s, null, new Class[] {
                                                                           ClientEvent.class });
            return methodExpr;

  • All done , now run application and check , click on button it will create a inputText
         now click on input text and see server listener is called :)

This is how we can apply javascript in programmatic created components
Cheers :) Happy Learning

Sunday 15 March 2015

Disable(Override) browser back button functionality in ADF Application using JavaScript

This is another JavaScript trick to disable browser back button functionality
In this example i am using two jspx pages - Page1 and Page2

Added two buttons in both pages to navigate between pages

Source of Page1-

<af:outputText value="Page 1" id="ot1" inlineStyle="font-size:medium;font-weight:bold;"/>
                <af:commandButton text="Go To Second Page" id="cb1" action="forward"/>

Source of Page2-

 <af:outputText value="Page 2" id="ot1" inlineStyle="font-size:medium;font-weight:bold;"/>
                <af:commandButton text="Go To First Page" id="cb1" action="backward"/>

Now see JavaScript function to disable back button functionality, In actual JavaScript doesn't disable back button but override it's default functionality
This function forces browser to navigate forward instead of going back so on click of back button first browser executes it's default back operation but due to this function again navigates to forward and show same page

function preventBackButton() {

Add this javascript to Page 1 and invoke using af:clientListener tag on pageLoad

<af:clientListener method="preventBackButton" type="load"/>

Now run application and check
Go to second page and the press back button - it returns to page one for a fraction of second but again navigates to Page 2
It means it is working , Cheers :) Happy Learning

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Update page component in between of event processing in ADF Faces using JavaScript

This post is not about any specific topic of framework, recently i was working in an application, requirement was like this
There is a button on page that uploads a large file to server and it takes some time . So as soon as user press this button it's text should be changed to 'Processing..' and after upload is complete it should be 'Done'

In this post i am sharing same - How to update page component while an event is processing ?
First i have tried it using java means in same button action listener but in this case button text was changed only after event processing is complete
So for this purpose i have used some javascript function, this is quite simple (see the implementation)

  • Drop a button on page and create a ActionListener , it will change button text to 'Done' after event processing (used Thread.sleep() for some long processing)

  •     private RichButton buttonBind;
        /**Method to process Action Event
         * @param actionEvent
        public void processValueAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            // Sleep for some time (Event Processing time)
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            //After processing set button text to 'Done'
        public void setButtonBind(RichButton buttonBind) {
            this.buttonBind = buttonBind;
        public RichButton getButtonBind() {
            return buttonBind;

  • Now question is how to change button text to 'Processing..' immediately after clicking button. So for this purpose i am using javascript

  • function changeButtonText(event) {
                      var comp = event.getSource();

  • Calling this javascript function using af:clientListener in button like this (See XML source of page)

  •  <af:document title="UpdatePageComponent.jspx" id="d1">
                <af:resource type="javascript">
                  function changeButtonText(event) {
                      var comp = event.getSource();
                <af:form id="f1">
                    <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s1"/>
                    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1" layout="horizontal" halign="center">
                        <af:panelBox id="pb1" showDisclosure="false">
                            <f:facet name="toolbar"/>
                            <af:button text="Click to process" id="b1"
                                       clientComponent="true" binding="#{viewScope.UpdatePageComponent.buttonBind}"
                                <af:clientListener method="changeButtonText" type="action"/>

  • As soon as button is clicked this javascript function will be invoked and set new text in button and after event processing button text is again set by managed bean actionListener.

  • After Clicking button (Event is processing)-

    Processing complete-

Thanks, Happy Learning :)