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Showing posts with label Data Control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data Control. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Consuming JSON based REST Web Service in ADF

 Previously I have posted about consuming ADF BC based REST Web Service in ADF. Now, this post talks about consuming JSON based REST Web Service using generic data control.

You can also look at previous posts on Web Service for more information.

Create SOAP Web Service with Application Module quickly in ADF 12.2.1

Create REST Web Service with Application Module declaratively in ADF 12.2.1

Consuming a SOAP Web Service quickly using Web Service Data Control (WSDL) in ADF

Create POJO based JAX-WS WebService easily with JDeveloper 12.1.3

Populate data in ADF Table using Web Service Data Control

Populate select one choice using Web Service Data Control in ADF Application

Access JAX-WS web service from Java Class using Web Service Proxy in JDeveloper

In this post, I am using a free REST API Web Service to get all countries' names. Check the below link for detail of Web Service methods.

RESTful web-services to get and search Countries

Let's see how to implement this in JDeveloper

Create a Fusion Web Application with default Model and View Controller projects.

Right-click on the View Controller project and Select New–> From Gallery–> Business Tier–> Web Services and select Web Service Data Control SOAP/REST 

It opens Web Service Data Control creation wizard, Select REST as Web Service type and provide a meaningful name, Generic Data Control with manually described resources as the type of data control.

Click on the green plus icon to create new ADF Rest Connection, Enter connection name and URL of the web service.

Here URL of web service is and I am using, /all is left here as it'll be used later. Select authentication type none and test connection.

Click on OK and you can see that the REST connection is created. Click on the next button and skip OWSM policies and come to the Resources tab.

Now click on the green plus icon and add /all as the resource path, select GET method checkbox and put a name for the method and set JSON as Data Format.

Click on the Next button and set method payload, Select Parse from Sample Code and access web service from the browser and paste the code in Response Sample.

For this post click on this link to copy the sample response -

Click on Next and Test Rest Connection.

With the click of the finish button, a file DataControls.dcx is generated. This is a data control definition file and contains information about data collection nodes and built-in data collection operations.

Now consuming web service part is done and the next is to create a page and use WSDL to show a table on that page.

Right-click on the view controller and select New–> From Gallery–> Web Tier–> JSF/Facelets and create a new page

Expand Data Controls section of Fusion Web Application and you can see there a get() method and under it the message and result data collection.

Drop get() method as a button and both collections as the table on the page and run application.

All done :)

Sample ADF Application (Jdev - Download

Cheers 🙂 Happy Learning

Thursday 3 January 2019

Using Bean Data Control in Oracle ADF

 This post talks about a basic requirement that is creating bean data control in an ADF Application. Here I'll show you how to create POJO based Java class and use it as data control to populate data on the page.

Let's start by creating a fusion web application with a model and view controller project

Now create a POJO class PersonDetail in the model project, This class represents a person and captures his details like name, date of birth and phone number.

  1. package beandatacontrol.model.bean;
  2. public class PersonDetail {
  3. public PersonDetail() {
  4. // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
  5. }
  6. public PersonDetail(String name, String phoneNo, String dateOfBirth) {
  7. = name;
  8. this.phoneNo = phoneNo;
  9. this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
  10. }
  11. private String name;
  12. private String phoneNo;
  13. private String dateOfBirth;
  14. public void setName(String name) {
  15. = name;
  16. }
  17. public String getName() {
  18. return name;
  19. }
  20. public void setPhoneNo(String phoneNo) {
  21. this.phoneNo = phoneNo;
  22. }
  23. public String getPhoneNo() {
  24. return phoneNo;
  25. }
  26. public void setDateOfBirth(String dateOfBirth) {
  27. this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
  28. }
  29. public String getDateOfBirth() {
  30. return dateOfBirth;
  31. }
  32. }

The second class is Society that holds the list of people and it goes like this.

  1. package beandatacontrol.model.bean;
  2. import java.util.ArrayList;
  3. import oracle.binding.AttributeContext;
  4. import oracle.binding.RowContext;
  5. public class Society {
  6. public ArrayList<PersonDetail> person = new ArrayList<PersonDetail>();
  7. public Society() {
  8. super();
  9. if (person.size() == 0) {
  10. person.add(new PersonDetail("Ashish Awasthi", "+91672938", "02/01/1991"));
  11. person.add(new PersonDetail("Shyam Kumar", "+91345545343", "06/09/1991"));
  12. person.add(new PersonDetail("Alex Smith", "+458954638", "08/02/1991"));
  13. person.add(new PersonDetail("Raghav Mani", "+914512698", "09/06/1991"));
  14. person.add(new PersonDetail("Ahmad Sheikh", "+7459654245", "12/05/1991"));
  15. }
  16. }
  17. public void setPerson(ArrayList<PersonDetail> person) {
  18. this.person = person;
  19. }
  20. public ArrayList<PersonDetail> getPerson() {
  21. return person;
  22. }
  23. }

Now right click on Society class and select Create Data Control

In the next step, I have selected Custom CRUD operation support in ADF Data Control Features

Click on Next and don't change access mode, the default value is Scrollable


Click on Finish and you can see all the details

Now you can see a DataControl.dcx file is created in the project, In short bean data control is ready for use.

Right-click on the view controller project and create a page and drop person data control on the page as ADF table. Also, drop create operation as a button and run the application.

Check to create button, click on that and see a new row added in the ADF table.

Cheers 🙂 Happy Learning