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Thursday 10 November 2016

Styling Input components inside af:query using ADF Skin

This another post is about af:query skinning, previously I have posted about changing the style of af:query buttons

ADF Skinning : Change color and style of af:query buttons in ADF Faces (Jdev 12.1.3)

Now this post is about styling input components inside af:query, Sometimes we need to change color, width, fonts of inputText, selectOneChoice that are inside af:query and that time simple skin selector doesn't do the job

Thursday 3 November 2016

Use View Criteria Query Execution Mode for In-Memory filtering of rows

Hello All

Sometimes we need to filter uncommitted records and query based bind variable or setWhereClause method doesn't do the job in that case as it requeries viewObject and filters committed records only

So for this type of requirement we can use view criteria. View criteria works on basis of it's query execution mode

By default it is set to Database only and we can change it to Memory (In-Memory filtering only) and both (DB and In-Memory filtering)
Here In-Memory filtering means rows that are not commited yet also get filtered

Thursday 20 October 2016

Using Code Template for Reusable codes in Jdeveloper IDE

Jdeveloper IDE comes with lots of features and one of them is Code Template, Code Template means some saved code that can be used using a shortcut key anywhere in editor.
There are many preconfigured templates for e.g.
Type sop in editor and press ctrl+enter and IDE will write


Type main in editor and press ctrl+enter and IDE will write

    public static void main(String[] args) {

Tuesday 11 October 2016

OTN Appreciation Day: Oracle ADF Bindings #ThanksOTN

Hello Everyone

I am late still I thought to write about Oracle ADF Bindings for OTN Appreciation Day

ADF binding layer works as glue between Model and View layer, Values from model propagates to page through Binding layer

UI Components are associated with business logic through this layer , this reduce lots of developer effort , it maintains row state , fetching mechanism etc.
Binding definition of components are defined in a XML file called page definition, Model layer uses this file to instantiate the page's bindings

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Enable selection and Get selected marker value from dvt:thematicMap in ADF Faces

Hello All

Previously I have posted about using dvt:thematicMap to mark locations using latitude and longitude, In that post I have described about showing different cities as markers on a world map using a POJO based data structure

Now In this post I am going to describe that how can we enable selection in thematic map and get selected location value in managed bean so here in this post I am extending that previous application

Saturday 6 August 2016

ADF UI- Show DVT Chart inside af:table and other collection components

Hello All

This post is about showing a chart inside  ADF Faces Collection component like af:table or af:listView

This is a simple task to create normal chart but in case if we have to show table row record as a chart or graph then we have to change chart value and chart item value references so that it doesn't show all record but only values of that row

This post talks about these two requirements

1. Show same viewObject values as chart in af:table or af:listView
2. Show child viewObject values as chart in af:table or af:listView

Wednesday 3 August 2016

ADF Basics: Iterate over master detail viewObject using view link accessor

Hello All

This post is about iterating over master and it's child view object using view link accessor, this is very basic thing of framework still some find (those who are starting with ADF) it difficult so I thought to write it here

Here I am using Departments and Employees table of HR Schema to create Master-Detail relation and due to view link relation, Department viewObject has view link accessor of Employees viewObject

Saturday 30 July 2016

ADF Basics: Populate simple programmatic View Object using POJO

Hello All

I hope you all know that we have 4 type of viewObjects in ADF, Here we'll discuss about a simple programmatic viewObject
  • Entity Object Based
  • SQL Query Based
  • Static List Based
  • Programmatic ViewObject
Programmatic ViewObject can be created by overriding appropriate methods in ViewObject's Impl class to retireve data from REF CURSOR, Array or any Java file
Here in this post I am using an ArrayList (POJO based) to populate viewObject records so for that I'll override some methods of ViewObject Impl class

Monday 25 July 2016

ADF UI- dvt:bubbleChart component overview, Show data in 3 dimensions

Hello All

In ADF we have many dvt components and dvt:bubbleChart is one of them. This chart uses three measures for X-axis, Y-axis and size of bubble and looks good on UI

A good interface makes it easy for users to use application with interest, Previously I have posted a lot about ADF UI , you can read all posts here- Better UI in Oracle ADF

Wednesday 20 July 2016

ADF UI- Using New DVT Component Picto Chart in ADF

Hello All

Couple of weeks ago Oracle released new version of ADF & Jdeveloper i.e.
This release comes with many new features and data visualization components, one of them is Picto Chart

DVT Component Picto Chart is used to visualize pictorial presentation of Numbers and it uses a count attribute to present chart portion, If you need to show different types of information in picto chart then more than one count attribute can be used

Monday 11 July 2016

Get selected Tag value from dvt:tagCloud component using custom selection listener in ADF

Hello All

Previously I have posted about using new DVT component TagCloud to design better UI (Showing TagCloud from ViewObject data) and this post is about getting selected tag value of TagCloud component

To enable selection in TagCloud component first thing is to set selectionMode property single, after that we can create a custom selection listener in managed bean to get selected row 

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Show chart for every row of ViewObject using af:iterator in ADF Faces

Hello All

This post is about another use of af:iterator component, When we show Employees ViewObject data as a chart then all Employees appears in a single chart but if requirement is to show separate chart for each department ;) See how can we do it

Here I am using Departments and Employees table of HR Schema, Prepare model using both tables, Default view link is created between departments and employees view object (using department Id)

Thursday 23 June 2016

ADF UI- Using New DVT Component Tag Cloud in ADF

In new relaese of Jdeveloper and ADF many new data visualization components are introduced

Here I am talking about <dvt:tagCloud> , this component is used to represent textual data in form of tags. You must have seen tag cloud on many websites to show popular tags or patterns

So now with help of this Tag Cloud component we can create and show same type of UI. In this post I am showing how can we use tag cloud component in our ADF Application

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Oracle Jdeveloper & ADF is out (Minor release but lots of new features)

Hello Everyone

You'll be happy to know that new version of Jdeveloper and ADF is out - Jdeveloper
Though it looks like a minor version but there are lots of beauties added in this , lots of new componenet introduced , many bug fixed
JUnit is now bundled with Jdeveloper , you need not separately download extension

Saturday 18 June 2016

Add and delete records (Parent/Child) in POJO Based ADF TreeTable

Hello All

Previously I have posted about creating POJO based ADF TreeTable , Get Selected Record from POJO based TreeTable and Traverse POJO based TreeTable

Recently a developer asked me about adding and deleting records in POJO based TreeTable so here goes a new blog post

To add records in af:treeTable first we have to check that if user has selected any parent node then new record will be added under it and if there is no selection then new record will be added as parent node, This is the core concept of this post and all these posts uses same sample application and same 2-Level Tree

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Change in Comment Section- Google+ comments removed

Hello All

I have changed comment section of this blog to old blogger comments from Google+ comments.
There are lots of problem in Google+ comments as there is nothing like comment moderation, I don't get notification about new comments, even I am not able to view all comments etc

So I decided to move to default blogger comments but in doing so I lost all valuable Google+ comments :(
It means there are no comments on posts that were made using Google+, I know it's a great loss but you know A little effort now is better than any effort later

Looking forward to your comments :)

Saturday 11 June 2016

ADF Basics: Use transient attribute to show description of selected value in case of input and combo Lov

In ADF often We apply LOV on a ID attribute to show it's Description to user, This works good in case of choice list (selectOneChoice) but if we use Input Text with List of Values (<af:inputListOfValues>) or Combo Box with List of Values (<af:inputComboboxListOfValues>) then after selection ID appears on page instead of  Description like this

So to avoid this we apply LOV on a transient attribute that shows Description and sets ID value DB attribute, See how to implement this

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Open af:inputListOfValues popup by calling JavaScript programmatically

af:inputListOfValues provides option to open Lov values in a popup and allow user to search, We can open this popup by clicking on magnifying glass icon

Recently I have seen a thread on OTN forum where user wants to open lov popup on a button click after checking some conditions and also found a post by Frank Nimphius Where he used javascript to open Lov popup on double click of mouse.
So guess what I have done ? ;)
Just called that javascript fucntion programmatically on button click

Saturday 4 June 2016

ADF Basics: Count number of records in LOV using LOV Accessor

Hello All

This post is about a simple requirement - How to count number of records in a LOV ?
I have seen this type of threads on OTN forum so here I am writing about it

We can make use of LOV Accessor to  count number of records in LOV as per selected source viewObject record, Here I am using Departments and Employees table of Oracle HR Schema

Monday 23 May 2016

Execute batch file from Java Code using Runtime class

We can call any exe file from Java code using Runtime class, Runtime class extends Object class and introduced in JDK1.0

What docs says-

Every Java application has a single instance of class Runtime that allows the application to interface with the environment in which the application is running. The current runtime can be obtained from the getRuntime method.
An application cannot create its own instance of this class.

Here we will see how to execute .exe and .bat file from javacode, for executable files we just pass file path and Runtime class will invoke it. But for batch file we have to first open supporting application i;e Command Promt and then provide path for batch file

See Java Programs for both case:

Friday 20 May 2016

Navigate to another page on value change event of ADF input component

Recently I have seen a thread on OTN forum in that user want to navigate from one page to another on valueChangeListener of input component.

First Method-
This is a simple piece of code to perform navigation to specific page , Use it in ValueChangeListener directly

 FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
 facesContext.getApplication().getNavigationHandler().handleNavigation(facesContext, null, "controlFlowName");

Second Method-
ValueChangeListener fires when value of input component changes but it is not meant for navigation, For navigation we use buttons and links with Action property
But for this requirement we have to be a bit tricky, We can queue button Action on value change listener of inputText to navigate to another page
Now first value change listener will be executed and then it'll queue button action to execute and as final outcome user will be able to navigate

Thursday 19 May 2016

Traverse POJO based ADF treeTable, Get Child nodes of selected parent

Previosuly I have posted about populating af:treeTable programmatically and getting selected records from POJO based treeTable

This post is next in that series and here I am extending same sample application that show a tree of Seasons and it's characters
First we will see How to traverse a POJO based treeTable (Iterate through all nodes of treeTable)

Basic idea is to get treeTable Collection Model and iterate over it to get all nodes value, To get CollectionModel created treeTable component binding in managed bean

Monday 16 May 2016

How to queue SelectionEvent programmatically, Call af:table Selection Listener programmatically

Hello All
Hope you all are doing good :) 
Previously I have posted about defining custom selection listener for af:table and perform desired operation on selection event of table row

Selection Listener is fired when server receives a selection event from client means whenever user selects a row in table (Selection Event) then server process that event and execute selection listener defined in managed bean

And this post is about creating selection event programmatically without user interaction with table.
In ADF we can queue ActionEvent , ValueChangeEvent and in same manner we can create and queue SelectionEvent programmatically

Friday 13 May 2016

Get Selected records (Child/Parent) from POJO based ADF treeTable

Hello All
Previously I have posted about creating af:treeTable programmatically using POJO and this the next post in series

In this post I am talking about a very common requirement while using POJO based treeTable
How can we get selected records (child/parent) from POJO based treeTable ?

For this post I am extending same sample application, Till now we have seen that how can we create POJO based treeTable
Now we'll see that how to get it's selected records

Saturday 30 April 2016

Create ADF Choice List and apply selectItems to it programmatically

I hope we all know how to create selectOneChoice using Model layer and previously I have posted about populating selectOneChoice programmatically from bean using ArrayList

Programmatically populate values in a af:selectOneChoice component in ADF

But this post is slight different - It is about creating selectOneChoice component and applying selectItems to it programmatically
There is nothing complicated in this , Just a piece of code is required
Here I have used an ArrayList to set SelectItems and created component binding for af:form to add selectOneChoice as it's child 

Thursday 21 April 2016

ADF Basics: Get display and base value of POJO based SelectOneChoice

Previously I have posted about populating selectOneChoice programmatically using POJO

and this post is about getting selected value of POJO base selectOneChoice (both display value and base value)

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Define WHERE Clause on dynamic ViewObject created on the fly

Thursday 14 April 2016

ADF Skinning: Change Style of ADF Table, Column, Header, Data Cell and pagination bar

After a long vacation I'm back to work :)
This post is about changing look n feel of ADF Faces af:table component

I have seen many questions related to changing table column header style , selected row style, changing row banding styles etc

Sunday 6 March 2016

ADF Basics: Call PL/SQL Function with OUT parameter in ADF Application

Previous post was about calling PL/SQL Procedure with OUT parameters in ADF Application
ADF Basics: Call PL/SQL Procedure with OUT parameter in ADF Application

And this post is about calling PL/SQL Function with OUT parameters. Basic difference between a Function and Procedure is that Function must return a value but procedure may or may not return a value
So there is always one OUT parameter in PL/SQL Function

Thursday 3 March 2016

ADF Basics: Call PL/SQL Procedure with OUT parameter in ADF Application

Previously i have posted about calling pl/sql function in ADF Application

This post is about calling stored procedure in ADF Application , a very basic requirement.
Sometimes we need to call a procedure that has OUT parameters , these parameters are used to return value from procedure. There may be n- numbers of OUT parameters in a procedure 

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Configure ADF Skin in Jdeveloper

In Jdeveloper there is no option to create ADF Skin declaratively
In order to apply skin we have to create a simple CSS file and then configure application to use this CSS file as skin. Jdeveloper doesn't do this for us :( we have to do it manually

So first step is to enable Skin Selectors for ADF Faces, Without enabling this CSS editor doesn't show ADF Faces component tags
CSS files by default supports HTML tags  only

Go to Tools > Preferences > CSS Editor and set CSS level to level 3 and check the box to support ADF Faces Components

Saturday 27 February 2016

ADF Skinning: Increase width, Change color of a tab in af:panelTabbed

We can change appearance of ADF Application by applying CSS and changing style properties of ADF Faces Component
Here i am writing a simple CSS to increase tab width of af:panelTabbed component

I hope you all know how to create a skin for ADF Application , If don't know then look at this post
ADF Basics: Using CSS to change appearance of application (Skins and Styles in ADF Faces) 

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Drag Drop in same table to reorder rows, Update Attribute value to make it persistent

This post is based on Frank's article on reordering table rows using drag drop functionality of ADF Faces, post uses iterator indexing to change order of rows and it works pretty good

Recently i came across a question on OTN forum asking about making this ordering persistent on base of some attribute value so for that we have to maintain a serial no attribute for each row and when user performs Drag n Drop , serial no. will be swapped and updated ordering of rows will be shown to user and it is persistent as updated attribute's value is saved in database

Monday 15 February 2016

Show live progress of a long running task using af:progressIndicator in Oracle ADF

This post is about using af:progressIndicator to show live status of a particular task
af:progressIndicator state is tracked and maintained by it's value property that supports org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.BoundedRangeModel
This class has two methods

public abstract long getMaximum() { }
returns Maximum value for Model

public abstract long getValue() { }
returns value for Model (current state)

Now to see live progress on page we have to refresh progressIndicator component periodically and this can be achieved using af:poll component , poll component delivers poll events to server periodically and we can ppr (refresh) progress indicator after a particular interval

Wednesday 10 February 2016

ADF Basics: Creating Bounded Task Flow Train using af:train component

This post is about using bounded task flow as train
A train presents a whole cycle and it's every stop presents a particular step of cycle
From the docs -

The train component presents a user with a series of stops, each stop representing a step in a multi-step process. The train walks the user through these steps, in a suggested order (the order being dictated by the underlying model). Each step is rendered as a train stop consisting of an image and a textual link indicating if they are in visited, current, unvisited and disabled states. Train can also be rendered in a vertical layout - the default being a horizontal layout. Trains are not rendered on printable pages. 

Wednesday 3 February 2016

ADF UI: Using dvt:sunburst to show hierarchical data in ADF

<dvt:sunburst> is one of fancy components to show multi level hierarchical data in form of circular rings in ADF application

It supports drilling up to n-level , consist of dvt:sunburstNode as it's child tag to show level wise detail . Sunburst supports multiple type of animations that makes a better UI
See What docs says -

Sunbursts are used to display hierarchical data across two dimensions, represented by the size and color of the sunburst nodes. The sunburst displays multiple levels of its hierarchy at once, with each ring corresponding to a level of the hierarchy

Monday 1 February 2016

ADF Basics: Using setActionListener in ADF, Set pageFlowScope parameter without writing code

This post is about using setActionListener tag in ADF, this tag provides a simpler way to set values of other objects and makes use of EL
See What docs says-

The setActionListener tag is a declarative way to allow an action source (<commandButton>, <commandLink>, etc.) to set a value before navigation. It is perhaps most useful in conjunction with the "pageFlowScope" EL scope provided by ADF Faces, as it makes it possible to pass details from one page to another without writing any Java code. This tag can be used both with ADF Faces commands and JSF standard tags. More generally, it can be used with any component at all that implements the standard ActionSource interface.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Add and delete values in POJO based selectOneListbox/selectOneChoice in ADF

Previously i have posted about populating selectOneChoice programmatically using POJO
Programmatically populate values in a af:selectOneChoice component in ADF

In same way we can populate values in selectOneListBox as both ADF Faces components are used for single selection and share same structure

Thursday 14 January 2016

Consuming a SOAP Web Service quickly using Web Service Data Control (WSDL) in ADF

Creating and Consuming Web Servie is an important part development cycle . In earlier posts i have described about creating SOAP/REST Web Service
Create REST Web Service with Application Module declaratively in ADF 12.2.1
Create SOAP Web Service with Application Module quickly in ADF 12.2.1

Now this post is about consuming a SOAP Web Service. A very simple way to consume Web Service is to create Web Service Data Control (WSDL) for external Web Service URL
Here i am using a Country-Currency Web Service ( to create WSDL

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Get selected slice of dvt:pieChart using custom selection listener in ADF

First of all wishing a very Happy New Year to all of you, New Year is like a blank page , fill it with happiness and good memories

This post is about a simple requirement - How to get selected slice value of dvt:pieChart ?
So for this we have to create a custom selection Listener in managed bean that will be called whenever user selects any slice of pieChart
If you see documentation of pieChart it tells about two properties -