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Showing posts with label apply. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apply. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Define WHERE Clause on dynamic ViewObject created on the fly

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Using popupFetchListener to execute method on popup launch in Oracle ADF

Everyone must have used ADF Faces popup component , this is one of most used container to show information on top of page
In this post i am talking about popup fetch event suppose we have to perform some operation before opening popup like filtering data inside popup . We can do this by capturing popup fetch event, if you have checked af:popUp documentation then you must have seen concept of popupFetchListener

From Docs-
The PopupFetchEvent is one of two server-side popup events but doesn't have a corresponding client event. The popup fetch event is invoked during content delivery. This means that the event will only queue for popups that have a contentDelivery type of lazy or lazyUncached. Another caveat is that the event will only work when the launch id is set. This is automatically handled by the af:showPopupBehavior but must be provided as a popup hint if programmatically shown.

So here we will see -

How to use popupFetchListener to filter data inside popup ?
How to execute some operation before opening popup ?
How to call AMImpl method before launching popup?

Saturday 5 September 2015

Apply ValueChangeListener to programmatically created ADF Faces components

Again a post in series of  Working with ADF Faces Components programmatically
Previously i have posted about Getting value , Applying Action Listener , Applying Client/Server Listener, Creating and applying client Attributes, Setting value expression , Applying Validation to programmatically created component
Now this post post is about applying Value Change Listener to a component that is created at run time
See how to do this (Jdev 12.1.3)-
  • First created a FusionWebApplication and a page in viewController project
  • Dropped a button on page , on this button action i will create an inputText programmatically and assign Value Change Listener method reference to it
  • To create new inputText i have added following code (described in previous post)

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Apply Validator to programmatically created ADF Faces components

Again a post in series of  Working with ADF Faces Components programmatically
Previously i have posted about Getting value , Applying Action Listener , Applying Client/Server Listener, Creating and applying client Attributes, Setting value expression  to programmatically created component
Now this post post is about applying Validator to a component that is created at run time
See how to do this (Jdev 12.1.3)-
  • First created a FusionWebApplication and a page in viewController project
  • Dropped a button on page , on this button action i will create an inputText programmatically and assign validator method reference to it
  • To create new inputText i have added following code (described in previous post)

Friday 17 July 2015

Apply sorting to POJO based af:table programmatically , Using custom sort listener in ADF

Again a post about POJO based table , previously i have posted about-

1.Populating and adding records in POJO based table
Populate af:table programmatically from managead bean using POJO
2. Gettting selected rows from POJO based table
Get selected row (single/multiple) from POJO based table in ADF

This post is about applying sorting to POJO based table , when we drop a viewObject as af:table on page then framework provides sorting and filtering features declaratively, but when populating table from managed bean using List(POJO) then it is not there so we have to do it manually

To understand this post completely , go through previous posts and check attached application there
I have used a PersonBean java bean class to contain columns of table or you can say there is a List of PersonBean type that populates data in af:table. (This is the basic information about application)

Now what to do , see step by step implementation-
  • Select table on page editor and create a sortListener in managed bean to handle sortEvent

  • Now what we have do in sort listener ?
    1.Get active sort criteria using sortEvent
    2.Remove that sort criteria
    3.Sort List Data Structure that is used to populate af:table
    4.Apply sort criteria again on af:table

    See code written in managed bean-

  •     //List to store sort criteria
        private List<SortCriterion> sortedTableList = new ArrayList<SortCriterion>();
        public void setSortedTableList(List<SortCriterion> sortedTableList) {
            this.sortedTableList = sortedTableList;
        public List<SortCriterion> getSortedTableList() {
            return sortedTableList;
        /**Custom Sort Listener for POJO based af:table
         * @param sortEvent
        public void tableSortListener(SortEvent sortEvent) {
            //Get active sortCriteria on table
            List<SortCriterion> activeSortCriteria = sortEvent.getSortCriteria();
            SortCriterion sc = activeSortCriteria.get(0);
            // Remove active criteria from table
            //Sort List that populates table using Comparator interface
            // Add the current criteria to the list
            this.sortedTableList.add(0, sc);
            // Apply sort criteria to table
            RichTable richTable = (RichTable) sortEvent.getComponent();
        /**Removes sort criteria*/
        private boolean removeSortCriteria(SortCriterion sortCriterion) {
            //Checks that if any sortCirteria is present in list , if yes then remove it
            if (sortedTableList != null && sortedTableList.size() > 0) {
                for (SortCriterion sc : sortedTableList) {
                    if (sc.getProperty().equals(sc.getProperty())) {
                        return true;
            return false;

    Now logic to apply programmatic sort starts from here , we have to sort List using Java Comparator interface
    To Read more - How to sort ArrayList using Comparator?     Comparator interface

        private void applySortAsPerColumn(String criteria) {
            //Get List that populates table
            List<PersonBean> list = getPersonList();
            //Check which column's sorting is triggered from UI
            //and then sort list on basis of that attribute
            //Sorting of collection makes use of Comparator interface, Read about it
            if ("name".equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) {
                Collections.sort(list, new ProgTableBean.PersName());
            } else if ("mobNo".equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) {
                Collections.sort(list, new ProgTableBean.MobNo());
            } else if ("salary".equalsIgnoreCase(criteria)) {
                Collections.sort(list, new ProgTableBean.Salary());
        // Comparator for all attributes to sort List according to different attributes
        public static class PersName implements Comparator<PersonBean> {
            private int flag = 1;
            public int compare(PersonBean o1, PersonBean o2) {
                return flag * o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
        public static class MobNo implements Comparator<PersonBean> {
            private int flag = 1;
            public int compare(PersonBean o1, PersonBean o2) {
                System.out.println("In 2**");
                return flag * o1.getMobNo().compareTo(o2.getMobNo());
        public static class Salary implements Comparator<PersonBean> {
            private int flag = 1;
            public int compare(PersonBean o1, PersonBean o2) {
                return flag * o1.getSalary().compareTo(o2.getSalary());

  • Now on page ,select table and set sortable true for each column and set sortProperty same as column name
    Check af:table source after setting all properties

  • <af:table var="row" rowBandingInterval="1" id="t1" value="#{viewScope.ProgTableBean.personList}"
                              partialTriggers="::b1" rowSelection="multiple" binding="#{viewScope.ProgTableBean.tableBind}"
                        <af:column sortable="true" headerText="Name" id="c1" width="150" sortProperty="name">
                            <af:outputText value="#{}" id="ot1"/>
                        <af:column sortable="true" headerText="Mobile Number" id="c2" sortProperty="mobNo">
                            <af:outputText value="#{row.mobNo}" id="ot2"/>
                        <af:column sortable="true" headerText="Salary" id="c3" align="right" sortProperty="salary">
                            <af:outputText value="#{row.salary}" id="ot3"/>

  • All done :) , Run and check application

Sample ADF Application -Download
Cheers :) Happy Learning

Friday 29 May 2015

Apply Client/Server listener to programmatically created components, apply JavaScript to ADF Faces components at run time

Hello All

This post is next in series of "Working with ADF Faces Components programmatically"
Previous posts are-

Creating dynamic layout (form and UI Component) using ADF Faces
Get Value from programmatically created components , Iterate over parent component to get child values in ADF Faces 
Apply ActionListener to programmatically created buttons/link in ADF

Now this post is about applying client listener & server listener (to execute some javascript function) to a programmatically created component (inputText, outputText etc)

Let's see the implementation part (Jdev 12.13) -

  • First created a FusionWebApplication and a page in viewController project
  • Dropped a button on page , on this button action i will create an inputText programmatically
  • To create new inputText i have added following code (described in previous posts)

  •     /**Method to add dynamically created component to a parent layout
         * @param parentUIComponent
         * @param childUIComponent
        public void addComponent(UIComponent parentUIComponent, UIComponent childUIComponent) {

            //Code to create af:inputText and add it to panelgroup layout
            RichInputText ui = new RichInputText();
            ui.setValue("Programmatically Created Input Text");
            //getParentGroupLayoutBind is the component binding of parent panel group layout
            addComponent(getParentGroupLayoutBind(), ui);

  • Now first part is done - Creation of input text , next is to assign client and server listener to it
    So for that first we have to add some JavaScript function in page that will be called using clientListener
    I have added this JavaScript function in page, it just fires a custom event from client and pass component value as parameter

  •         function demoJsFunction(evt){
              var comp = evt.getSource();
              AdfCustomEvent.queue(comp, "ServerEventToGetValue", {fvalue:comp.getSubmittedValue()}, true);

  • One more thing is to define server listener method in managed bean so that we can apply it to inputText at run time

  •     /**Server Listener - It will be called on execution of client side javascript
         * @param clientEvent
        public void testServerListener(ClientEvent clientEvent) {
            //To get value passed from Client Event
            String val = clientEvent.getParameters().get("fvalue").toString();
            FacesMessage msg=new FacesMessage("Server Listener Called and value in inputText is - " + val);
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);

  • Now create clientListener/ServerListener programmatically and assign both to inputText
    Pass server listener method name along with managed bean name

  •         // Create new Client Listener and assign method name and type
            ClientListenerSet CL = new ClientListenerSet();
            CL.addListener("click", "demoJsFunction");
            //Add Server listener , assign client event name and resolve pre-defined serverlistener
            // Add clientListener/ServeListener to inputText

    Helper method to resolve expression-

        /**To Resolve ServerListener method
         * @param s
         * @return
        public MethodExpression getMethodExpression(String s) {
            FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            ELContext elctx = fc.getELContext();
            ExpressionFactory elFactory = fc.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
            MethodExpression methodExpr = elFactory.createMethodExpression(elctx, s, null, new Class[] {
                                                                           ClientEvent.class });
            return methodExpr;

  • All done , now run application and check , click on button it will create a inputText
         now click on input text and see server listener is called :)

This is how we can apply javascript in programmatic created components
Cheers :) Happy Learning

Saturday 16 May 2015

Apply ActionListener to programmatically created buttons/link in ADF

This post is next in series of "Working with ADF Faces Components programmatically"
Previous posts are-
Creating dynamic layout (form and UI Component) using ADF Faces
Get Value from programmatically created components , Iterate over parent component to get child values in ADF Faces

Now this post is about applying ActionListener to a programmatically created button or link
Let's start (Jdev 12.13) -

  • First created a FusionWebApplication and a page in viewController project
  • Dropped a button on page , on this button action i will create a link programmatically and assign actionListener to it
  • To create new link i have added following code (described in previous posts)

  •     /**Method to add dynamically created component to a parent layout
         * @param parentUIComponent
         * @param childUIComponent
        public void addComponent(UIComponent parentUIComponent, UIComponent childUIComponent) {

           //Creating Link programmatically on button click     
            RichLink ui = new RichLink();
            ui.setText("Programmatically Created Link");
            //Add this link to parent form layout
     //ParentGroupLayoutBind is the component binding of panelGroupLayout
            addComponent(getParentGroupLayoutBind(), ui);

  • After this we are able to create a new Link on click of button, now next is to assign ActionListener to this Link
    For this first i have to define an ActionListener method in bean. So i have added this 

  •     /**Action Listener to be applied on dynamically created button
         * @param actionEvent
        public void actionForProgLink(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            FacesMessage infoMsg = new FacesMessage("Action Listener Invoked");
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, infoMsg);

  • Now how to assign this ActionListener to that dynamically created Link?
    See the Code-

  •     /**Method to to resolve actionListener
         * @param actionName
        private ActionListener getActionListener(String actionName) {
            //here Testbean is the name of ManagedBean
            MethodExpression methodExp = getMethodExpressionForAction("#{viewScope.Testbean." + actionName + "}");
            return new MethodExpressionActionListener(methodExp);

    Helper method to resolve ActionListener-

        private MethodExpression getMethodExpressionForAction(String actionName) {
            Class[] argtypes = new Class[1];
            argtypes[0] = ActionEvent.class;
            FacesContext facesCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            Application app = facesCtx.getApplication();
            ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
            ELContext elContext = facesCtx.getELContext();
            return elFactory.createMethodExpression(elContext, actionName, null, argtypes);

    Just pass the name of method to resolve it

       //Apply ActionListener on this dynamically created link 
Now time to check , run application :)
First a button appears-

On click of this button a link is created -

Click on this link- programmatically assigned Action Listener is called

Cheers , Happy Learning :)

Sunday 22 March 2015

ADF Basics: Apply and Change WHERE Clause of ViewObject at runtime programmatically

This post is about applying or changing WHERE clause of ViewObject programmatically, it can be also used in case we need a specific data(row) from database, suppose you are using Department table of HR Schema and on a button click you need to show records of department id 5

It means you want to filter viewObject on that particular event, you can do this using setWhereClause mehtod of ViewObjectImpl class.
See the image below , all rows shown in this

Now when we click the button, it will filter (apply WHERE Clause in Departments ViewObject) rows and refresh ViewObject , returns desired rows.

For Department_Id 4-

For Department_Id 5-

To apply WHERE Clause , see this simple snippet of code

ViewObject v1 = am.getDepartment1();
v1.setWhereClause("DEPARTMENT_ID=4"); // Pass Where Clause String as Method Parameter

This code snippet fetch the Row with Deprartment_id=4 and returns back to page. setWhereClause sets the Query's (SQL) Where Clause and doesn't take effect until executeQuery method of ViewObjectImpl is called

To reset Where Clause we have to set null value in method used

ViewObject v1 = am.getDepartment1();
v1.setWhereClause(null); // To Remove Where Clause

Thanks , Happy Learning :)

Thursday 4 September 2014

Customize af:button (font, shape, size, color etc) using skinning -Oracle ADF (12.1.3)

Hello all
this post is about styling af:button component in ADF 12.1.3
how can we customize a button , change it's color, background color, shape ,size, font and many more
In 12.1.3 Jdeveloper, some features are supported like width of button directly from inline style property (this was not supported in 11g)

you can see new features for client side css-

So let's start
I hope everyone know how to create css (skin) file in jdeveloper , if don't then follow this

Right click on viewController project New from Gallery Categories Web Tier JSF/Facelets ADF Skin

Dropped 3 buttons on page, third one is disabled

Changing button properties (width, font, color for different client event) -

I think no description needed as tags are self-descriptive

af|button {
    width: 150px;
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: bottom;
    color: blue;
    border: skyblue 2.0px solid;
    font-style: italic;
    font-family: cursive;


Now change background color - to do this we have to use af|button::link  selector

af|button::link {
    border: skyblue 2.0px solid;
    background-color: #feffd5;


In same way we can change button behavior for hover, disabled and depressed client event

Hover event-

af|button:hover::link {
    background-color: #c7660b;
    border: skyblue 2.0px solid;
    color: White;

af|button:disabled::link {
      background-color: Gray;
    border: skyblue 2.0px solid;
    color: White;

Output- (hover on first button)

Depressed event- (Select )

af|button:depressed::link {
    background-color: maroon;
    border: skyblue 2.0px solid;
    color: White;

Changing shape of button-

1.Rounded corner (oval shape)
just change af|button and af|button::link selectors

af|button {
    width: 150px;
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: bottom;
    color: blue;
    border: skyblue 2.0px solid;
    font-style: italic;
    font-family: cursive;
    border-bottom-left-radius: 15px;
    border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;
    border-top-left-radius: 15px;
    border-top-right-radius: 15px;

af|button::link {
    border: skyblue 2.0px solid;
    background-color: #feffd5;
    border-bottom-left-radius: 15px;
    border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;
    border-top-left-radius: 15px;
    border-top-right-radius: 15px;


2.Square Button-

af|button {
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: middle;
    color: blue;
    border: skyblue 2.0px solid;
    font-style: italic;
    font-family: cursive;
    height: 50px;
    width: 50px;

af|button::text {
    padding-top: 12px;

af|button::link {
    border: skyblue 2.0px solid;
    background-color: #feffd5;
    height: 43px;

2.Round(Circle) Button-

changing shape is nothing just some hit and try in css, see the changes css other selectors remain same

af|button {
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: middle;
    color: blue;
    border: skyblue 2.0px solid;
    font-style: italic;
    font-family: cursive;
    height: 50px;
    width: 50px;
    border-bottom-left-radius: 5em 5em;
    border-bottom-right-radius: 5em 5em;
    border-top-left-radius: 5em;
    border-top-right-radius: 5em;

af|button::text {
    padding-top: 12px;

af|button::link {
    border: skyblue 2.0px solid;
    background-color: #feffd5;
    height: 43px;
    border-bottom-left-radius: 5em 5em;
    border-bottom-right-radius: 5em 5em;
    border-top-left-radius: 5em;
    border-top-right-radius: 5em;


So purpose of this post is to give overview of skinning and different selectors, you can try it on any component. Jdeveloper provide built in skin editor for all component , there you can see all selector and pseudo element of a component
Thanks , Happy Learning

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Apply Filter on af:table column programmatically ,Invoke 'FilterableQueryDescriptor' through managed bean

Hello All
This tutorial is about a requirement of filtering af:table column through code,
to achieve this we can invoke FilterableQueryDescriptor (FilterableQueryDescriptor is an abstract subclass of QueryDescriptor. It adds support for filtering of data and is typically used by the table component to filter data from a query )

Suppose i have department table and i have to filter on department column-
  • Create a Fusion Web Application and business components for Departments (HR Schema) table
  • now drag table on page and bind it to bean
  • Now drop a input text and button on page to enter Department Name
  • bind input text to bean and create ActionListener on button to filter Department Table
See XML source of Page-

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1" xmlns:f=""
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
        <af:document title="filterPage.jspx" id="d1">
            <af:messages id="m1"/>
            <af:form id="f1">
                <af:inputText label="Department Name" id="it5"
                <af:commandButton text="Filter" id="cb1"
                <af:table value="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.collectionModel}" var="row"
                          emptyText="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                          fetchSize="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.rangeSize}" rowBandingInterval="1"
                          rowSelection="single" id="t1" styleClass="AFStretchWidth"
                          queryListener="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1Query.processQuery}" filterVisible="true"
                    <af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="true"
                               headerText="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.DepartmentId.label}" id="c1"
                        <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.DepartmentId.inputValue}"
                                      shortDesc="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.DepartmentId.tooltip}" id="it1"
                            <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.DepartmentId.validator}"/>
                            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
                    <af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="true"
                               headerText="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.DepartmentName.label}" id="c2"
                        <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.DepartmentName.inputValue}"
                                      shortDesc="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.DepartmentName.tooltip}" id="it2"
                            <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.DepartmentName.validator}"/>
                    <af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="true"
                               headerText="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.ManagerId.label}" id="c3"
                        <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.ManagerId.inputValue}"
                                      shortDesc="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.ManagerId.tooltip}" id="it3"
                            <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.ManagerId.validator}"/>
                            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
                    <af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="true"
                               headerText="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.LocationId.label}" id="c4"
                        <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.LocationId.inputValue}"
                                      shortDesc="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.LocationId.tooltip}" id="it4"
                            <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.LocationId.validator}"/>
                            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"

Managed Bean Code-

package filter.view;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;


public class FilterProgrammaticBean {
    private RichInputText deptNmBind;
    private RichTable deptTabBind;

    public FilterProgrammaticBean() {

    public void setDeptNmBind(RichInputText deptNmBind) {
        this.deptNmBind = deptNmBind;

    public RichInputText getDeptNmBind() {
        return deptNmBind;

    public void setDeptTabBind(RichTable deptTabBind) {
        this.deptTabBind = deptTabBind;

    public RichTable getDeptTabBind() {
        return deptTabBind;

    /**Method to invoke FilterableQueryDescriptor and Filter Department table
     * @param actionEvent
    public void filterTableAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        RichTable tbl = this.getDeptTabBind();
        FilterableQueryDescriptor filterQD = (FilterableQueryDescriptor)tbl.getFilterModel();
        Map filterCriteria = filterQD.getFilterCriteria();
        filterCriteria.put("DepartmentName", deptNmBind.getValue());
        getDeptTabBind().queueEvent(new QueryEvent(getDeptTabBind(), filterQD));

Run your Application-

Cheers- Download Sample App