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Showing posts with label AdfValueChangeEvent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AdfValueChangeEvent. Show all posts

Saturday 5 September 2015

Apply ValueChangeListener to programmatically created ADF Faces components

Again a post in series of  Working with ADF Faces Components programmatically
Previously i have posted about Getting value , Applying Action Listener , Applying Client/Server Listener, Creating and applying client Attributes, Setting value expression , Applying Validation to programmatically created component
Now this post post is about applying Value Change Listener to a component that is created at run time
See how to do this (Jdev 12.1.3)-
  • First created a FusionWebApplication and a page in viewController project
  • Dropped a button on page , on this button action i will create an inputText programmatically and assign Value Change Listener method reference to it
  • To create new inputText i have added following code (described in previous post)

Monday 22 September 2014

Invoke button action (ActionEvent) and value change listener using JavaScript- Oracle ADF

This is another post about using JavaScript in ADF Faces, So again nothing complicated just simple things but needed often
In this post i am covering two simple requirements , using Jdeveloper (11g Release2)

1. How to call button action (ActionEvent) using JavaScript
2. How to call valueChangeListener of a component using JavaScript


Call button action using JavaScript-

So for this just drop a commandButton and an inputText on page and create a ActionListener in managed bean for button

Code in managed bean for ActionEvent-

    /**Action Listener for Button
     * @param actionEvent
    public void buttonAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Button Action called");
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        context.addMessage(null, msg);

Now requirement is to call this button action on double click event of mouse in inputText
To handle ActionEvent in JavaScript, framework provides a class AdfActionEvent , it has a method to queue ActionEvent from a component. So here i use same method to call ActionEvent

See JavaScript function-

function callButtonAction() {
                  //Method to get component using id (here button is top container)
                  var button = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('cb1');
                  //Method to queue ActionEvent from component
                  AdfActionEvent.queue(button, button.getPartialSubmit());

and call it using af:clientListener under af:inputText-

Run page and check on double click of mouse in inputText-

Call ValueChangeListener using JavaScript-

This is also same as pervious one, created a valueChangeListener in managed bean for input text and requirement is to call this listener on mouse hover of button

Code in managed bean for ValueChangeListener-

    /**ValueChangeListener for inputText
     * @param valueChangeEvent
    public void inputTextVCE(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
        FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Value Change Lestener called");
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        context.addMessage(null, msg);

There is a class to handle valueChange event using JavaScript - AdfValueChangeEvent
So this class also has a queue method , the difference is this queue method takes 4 parameters and also requires a value change event on component
So first step is to change (set) value of field using JavaScript and then queue valueChangeEvent

See JavaScript function-

 function callValueChangeEvent(evt) {
                  //Method to get component using id (here inputText is top container)
                  var field = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('it1');
                  //Change(set) field's value
                  field.setValue('I am JavaScript text');
                  //Get New changed value
                  var newVal = field.getValue();
                  //Queue ValueChangeEvent (component,oldValue,newValue,autoSubmit)
                  AdfValueChangeEvent.queue(field, null, newVal, false);


make sure that clientComponent and autoSubmit property of inputText set to true
call this javascript fucntion from button using af:clientListener

Run page and check it-
Thanks, Happy Learning