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Showing posts with label Timestamp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Timestamp. Show all posts

Tuesday 6 May 2014

ADF Basics : Selecting and showing time-stamp in ADF Faces using af:inputDate & af:convertDateTime

Hello All
This post is about a very common & basic requirement of developers ,
how to show & select time with date in ADF Faces ?
We use af:inputDate to show and select Date & Timestamp type of attributes, by default it looks like this

ADF provides a default converter (af:convertDateTime) to format date & timestamp field, we can define a pattern to change it's format & to show time selector in calendar box

Suppose pattern is- dd-MMM-yyy HH:mm:ss , now see there is a hour/minute/second selector appears in calendar box

you can change this pattern as per your format , suppose you want to show AM or PM after time just use dd-MMM-yyy HH:mm:ss a

see xml source of af:inputDate-

<af:inputDate label="Label 1" id="id1" contentStyle="width:250px;padding:5px;">
                        <af:convertDateTime pattern="dd-MMM-yyy HH:mm:ss a"/>

this is how we can change format of Date & Timestamp - Cheers :-)

Friday 6 December 2013

Show current Date and Time on Page in Oracle ADF (refresh Date/time Programmatically)

Hello All,
in this tutorial i am going to explain that how to show current date and time on your ADF application page
Follow Steps-
  • Create a fusion web application and a page in it (i have used .jspx page)
  • Now drag an output text from component palette and drop it on page

  • Now select the output text and go to its property inspector then select value from Expression Builder as shown in image
  • Now in Expression Builder ,create a Managed Bean of type java.util.Date and assign its value to output text

  •  Now run your page and see current date is there
  • Now to format Date and Time , drag and drop af:convertDateTime  under output text from component palette

  •  Select convertDateTime and go to property inspector and change its pattern and run your page

  •  Now you have done basic configuration for Date/Time, if you want to refresh time (second and minute part) on page periodically then drop a poll component in page and create a poll listener in managed bean
  • Now write this simple code in your managed bean to invoke poll listener

  •     /**Binding of Output text*/
        private RichOutputText dateBind;
        public void setDateBind(RichOutputText dateBind) {
            this.dateBind = dateBind;
        public RichOutputText getDateBind() {
            return dateBind;
        /**Poll Listener Method ,handles Poll Event
         * @param pollEvent
        public void refreshTime(PollEvent pollEvent) {

    And don't forget to set clientComponent property of outputText to true
  • Now Run your application , see in this video clip how your page get refreshed... Cheers ..!

Cheers :) Happy Learning

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Bug in ADF 11g R2- Transient and Bind Valiable of Timestamp type

This is a bug in ADF 11g R2, and sometimes so much annoying for developer.

Bug Is-

  • Suppose you have created business components for Employees table of HR Schema, there is HireDate in Employees table , see it in EntityObject-

  • Now go to source and see, it is of type oracle.jbo.domain.Timestamp (default java representation of Timestamp database data type )

  • Now go to Employees ViewObject and create a transient variable for DOB(Date Of Birth)  and select it as Timestamp
  •  Now after this if developer tries to get or set value of this transient variable, it shows a exception (java.sql.Timestamp can not be cast to oracle.jbo.domain.Timestamp)

  •  To solve this error go to Employees ViewObject and select transient attribute and go to source, se it is of type java.sql.Timestamp

  • Change it to oracle.jbo.domain.Timestamp  and then run it
  • So this is a bug when developer creates new Transient or Query bind variables of Timestamp type, ADF automatically assign it java.sql.Timestamp
Always check it when using Jdveloper 11gR2

Cheers... happy debugging