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Friday 27 June 2014

Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle ADF 12c ( out (bug fixed and lots of new features introduced)

hello all
ADF & Jdeveloper 12c ( released with lots of new features and previous ( bugs are fixed

Bugs Fixed in 12c (

related to af:query, af:tabel filter and scrolling, property inspector, inputlistofvalues, radioGroup, af:message, checkbox, table pagination, context menu, autosuggest in inputlistofValues, shuttle component
Check out complete list of fixed bugs- Bug Fix List

New Features introduced in 12c (

Enjoy some very cool ADF Faces components
  • 30+ chart types, thematic map with zoom and rotation feature
  • new gauge and awaited rating gauge
  • new component af:deck ,like CSS image slider to show multiple child details one by one with slide and fade effect
  • CSS rule for changing button's color and width
  • Export to CSV feature, mouse hover in list view
Check out complete list of features- New In This Release

Happy Learning , Enjoy new Jdev :)

Monday 23 June 2014

Navigating to (open) specific tab in af:panelTabbed programmatically -Oracle ADF

Hello All,
This post is about a development requirement - how to move (navigate or open) to a specific tab in panel tabbed  in Oracle ADF?
Suppose i have to open second tab of af:panelTabbed on a button click, so see how to do this using ADF Faces
  • Create a Fusion Web application and a page to drop panel tabbed and a button

  • now bind panel tabbed and it's showDetailItem to managed bean, in order to use disclosed property and to get client id
  • See the code to open (disclose) a specific tab of af:panelTabbed
        //Binding of Panel Tabbed
        private RichPanelTabbed panelTabBind;
        public void setPanelTabBind(RichPanelTabbed panelTabBind) {
            this.panelTabBind = panelTabBind;
        public RichPanelTabbed getPanelTabBind() {
            return panelTabBind;
         * @Method to disclose (open) specific tab
         * Pass the binding of af:showDetailItem that you want to open
        public void setDisclosedFirstTab(RichShowDetailItem tabBind) {
            RichPanelTabbed richPanelTabbed = getPanelTabBind();
            for (UIComponent child : richPanelTabbed.getChildren()) {
                RichShowDetailItem sdi = (RichShowDetailItem) child;
                if (sdi.getClientId().equals(tabBind.getClientId())) {
                } else {

  • Now see the code written on button action- here i have checked that which tab is currently disclosed? and based on that i have passed next tab binding to this method

  •     /**Method to be called on Navigate Button
         * @param actionEvent
        public void naviGateButtonAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            if (firstTabBind.isDisclosed()) {
            } else if (secTabBind.isDisclosed()) {
            } else {

  • now run your page and see navigation in af:panelTabbed

 Cheers Happy Learning :) Sample ADF Application

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Detect browser & platform information (name,version), server and client IP details in Oracle ADF

Hello All,
This is post is about getting browser details (version, name ) , platform details (Operating System details) ,server and client IP addresses in Oracle ADF Application
sometimes we need these small but important details -

Code to get this information-

        RequestContext requestCtx = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
        Agent agent = requestCtx.getAgent();
        String version = agent.getAgentVersion();
        String browser = agent.getAgentName();
        String platform = agent.getPlatformName();
        String platformVersion = agent.getPlatformVersion();
        FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) fctx.getExternalContext().getRequest();
        StringBuilder detailMsg = new StringBuilder("<html><body><b>Browser Agent and Ip address details</b><br>");
        detailMsg.append("<ul><li><b>Browser-</b>" + browser + "</li><li><b>Version-</b>" + version +
                         "</li><li><b>Plateform-</b>" + platform + "</li>");
        detailMsg.append("<li><b>Plateform Version-</b>" + platformVersion + "</li><li><b>Server IP-</b>" +
                         request.getLocalAddr() + "</li><li><b>Client IP-</b>" + request.getRemoteAddr() +
        FacesMessage errMsg = new FacesMessage(detailMsg.toString());
        fctx.addMessage(null, errMsg);

See the output-
Application running on Mozilla-
Application running on Chrome-
Application running on Internet Explorer-
Cheers :) Happy Learning

Monday 16 June 2014

Creating and Exporting hierarchical data to excel using dvt:pivotTable & dvt:exportPivotTableData in Oracle ADF

Hello All,
This post is about exporting tree structured(hierarchical ) data to an excel file.
suppose we have export department wise detail of employees , we can achieve this in ADF using pivot table (<dvt:pivotTable>)

What is pivot tabel (oracle docs)- 
UIComponent class:
Component type: oracle.dss.adf.pivotTable.PivotTable
The Pivot Table supports the display of multiple nested attributes on a row and column header. In addition, the Pivot Table supports the ability to dynamically change the layout of the attributes displayed in the row or column headers via drag and drop pivoting.
now see the implementation part -

  • Create a Fusion Web Application using HRSchema , for this sample app i have created a view (Department Wise Employees) to export data


  • Prepare model using this view

  • Create a page and drop this view as pivot table (ADF Faces component) from data control

  • Now configure pivot table (set row & column attributes, insert appropriate drilling) - see the snaps

  • Now run your page and see working pivot table - here pivot table is created successfully 

  • Drop a button  and a <dvt:exportPivotTableData> under button to export pivot table

  • <af:commandButton text="Export" id="b1">
                        <dvt:exportPivotTableData type="excelHTML" exportedId="pt1" filename="Dep_Empl.xls"
                                                  title="PivotTable export"/>

  • Run your page and click on export button and see your tree structured data in exported excel file

Cheers :) Happy Learning Sample ADF Application

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Export ViewObject dataset to XML, Generate customized XML file using ViewObject in Oracle ADF

Hello All,
this post is about exporting a viewObject data to a XML document.
Sometimes we need to generate XML document with the same data in ViewObject, for this ADF provides a facility to directly export data to a XML document using ViewObjectImpl class

See the steps to generate XML for a ViewObject

  • Create a Fusion Web application and model using HR schema (Departments & Employees) table (master detail relation using viewLink)

  • Now to generate XML, i have used writeXML method of ViewObjectImpl class, it produce XML using two parameters

  • from oracle docs-
    writeXML(int depthCount, long options)
    here depthCount - no. of ViewLink levels that should be traversed to produce XML
    options- how many rows you want to export, It can be set any of flags given below
    Includes all rows in the view object's row set in the XML.

    Includes only the rows in the current range in the XML.

  • created a method in DepartmentsVOImpl class to export data to XML, added it to client Interface

  •     /**Method to generate XML from ViewObject data
         * @param level
         * @return
        public String writeVoToXml(int level) {
            FileOutputStream out;
            ByteArrayOutputStream opStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            try {
                // Generating XML for All rows and adding it to Output Stream
                ((XMLNode) this.writeXML(level, XMLInterface.XML_OPT_ALL_ROWS)).print(opStream);
                // Creating a XML document in D Drive
                out = new FileOutputStream("D://Departments.xml");
            } catch (Exception e) {
            return opStream.toString();

  • Now run application module to execute method and see generated XML on console

  • BC4J Tester

    ViewObject XML

  • i have created a simple page with a af:codeEditor to show generated XML , button to generate XML and a spinner to pass depth level of viewLink accessor

  • In case depth level is '0' , it export data only for Departments viewObject

    Change level to '1' , Now it generate XML for Departments --> Employess relation

  • now to how to customize XML ? How to change default tags for attribute names and rows ?
  • To change attribute label (tag in xml)- Suppose i have to change DepartmentName to Name in XML
  • Add attribute level custom property named XML_ELEMENT to a value AnyOtherName to change the XML element name used for that attribute

  • To change Row label (tag in xml)- Suppose i have to change DepartmentsVORow to DepartmentLine in XML
  • Add ViewObject level custom property named XML_ROW_ELEMENT to a value AnyOtherName to change the XML element name used for that Row

  • Now Run and see generated XML -
Cheers :-) Happy Learning