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Monday 11 July 2016

Get selected Tag value from dvt:tagCloud component using custom selection listener in ADF

Hello All

Previously I have posted about using new DVT component TagCloud to design better UI (Showing TagCloud from ViewObject data) and this post is about getting selected tag value of TagCloud component

To enable selection in TagCloud component first thing is to set selectionMode property single, after that we can create a custom selection listener in managed bean to get selected row 

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Show chart for every row of ViewObject using af:iterator in ADF Faces

Hello All

This post is about another use of af:iterator component, When we show Employees ViewObject data as a chart then all Employees appears in a single chart but if requirement is to show separate chart for each department ;) See how can we do it

Here I am using Departments and Employees table of HR Schema, Prepare model using both tables, Default view link is created between departments and employees view object (using department Id)

Thursday 23 June 2016

ADF UI- Using New DVT Component Tag Cloud in ADF

In new relaese of Jdeveloper and ADF many new data visualization components are introduced

Here I am talking about <dvt:tagCloud> , this component is used to represent textual data in form of tags. You must have seen tag cloud on many websites to show popular tags or patterns

So now with help of this Tag Cloud component we can create and show same type of UI. In this post I am showing how can we use tag cloud component in our ADF Application