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Showing posts with label R Loops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label R Loops. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 August 2018

 Loops (R Loops) are used to repeat the execution of a block of statements based on some predefined conditions. In R Programming we have the following types of loops that can be used as per development requirements.

Repeat Loop in R Programming

Repeat loop in R executes the set of statements until the defined condition is satisfied

  1. #Print some value using Repeat Loop
  2. count <- 1
  3. repeat {
  4. print("R Programming")
  5. count <- count+1
  6. if(count > 5) {
  7. break
  8. }
  9. }

and output is

  1. [1] "R Programming"
  2. [1] "R Programming"
  3. [1] "R Programming"
  4. [1] "R Programming"
  5. [1] "R Programming"

Another Example

  1. #Print table of 10 using Repeat Loop
  2. a <- 10
  3. count <- 1
  4. repeat {
  5. print(a*count)
  6. count <- count+1
  7. if(count > 10) {
  8. break
  9. }
  10. }
and output is

  1. [1] 10
  2. [1] 20
  3. [1] 30
  4. [1] 40
  5. [1] 50
  6. [1] 60
  7. [1] 70
  8. [1] 80
  9. [1] 90
  10. [1] 100

While Loop in R Programming

While loop checks the condition before starting loop execution and executes the set of statements while the defined condition is true.

  1. #Declare and Initialise a varable
  2. a <- 1
  3. #Check condition in a while loop
  4. while(a<=5){
  5. print(a)
  6. a <- a+1
  7. }

and output is

  1. [1] 1
  2. [1] 2
  3. [1] 3
  4. [1] 4
  5. [1] 5

FOR Loop in R Programming

When you need to execute a code a specific number of times then FOR loop comes into action. Here we'll see how to iterate a vector using FOR loop.

  1. #Declare and Initialise a Vector
  2. a <- c(10,TRUE,"Ashish",2.4)
  3. #Iterate vector using FOR loop
  4. for(i in a){
  5. print(i)
  6. }

and output is

  1. [1] "10"
  2. [1] "TRUE"
  3. [1] "Ashish"
  4. [1] "2.4"

Cheers 🙂 Happy Learning