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Showing posts with label auto dismiss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label auto dismiss. Show all posts

Saturday 27 April 2013

Auto dismiss popup component with dialog- Oracle ADF

af:popup is container component for noteWindow, dialog, panelWinow, contextMenus, when we use popup with af:noteWindow, there is property autoDismissalTimeout is responsible for closing poup after some specific time.
But if we are using af:dialog in af:popup , how to close popup in this situation ?

Steps to do-

  • Create a fragment in bounded taskFlow and drag a button on which we have to open popup.
  • Drag a popup in page and showPopupBehavior inside button, pass id of popup and set trigger type to action to open poup on button click
af:popup in Oracle ADF
  •  Now drag a af:poll  component inside af:dialog
poll component delivers poll event to server at  fixed intervals, so we can use this property to fulfil our requirement .
Drop poll component inside popup

  • Select poll component in structure window and go to propertyInspector ,create poll listener  in managed bean and set Interval and Timeout to 4000 & 4001 (Timeout slightly greater than Interval time)-It means poll event delivers to server after 4000 ms or 4second

Create a poll listener in managed bean to deliver poll event at fixed interval

  • Now bind popup component to your managed bean, inorder to control poup properties
Create Component Binding for popup in managed bean
  • Close poup in pollListener(), means when after 4sec when poll event invoke server, it will close popup dialog automatically.

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