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Monday 13 October 2014

Set values in af:selectManyChoice programmatically - Oracle ADF

This post is about a very common question
How to set selected values in af:selectManyChoice component ?
Sometimes we need to set some values in selectManyChoice component on some action

In this post i am using Departments table of HR Schema to create selectManyChoice (Multiple Selection)
Just drag and drop Departments viewObject as ADF Select Many Choice
see- Using Multiple Selection (selectManyListbox & selectManyCheckbox component) in ADF

(Jdev Version- 12.1.3)
dropped a button on page and on this button action ,  setting values in component
See this simple managed bean code -

import java.util.ArrayList;

import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;


public class SetValueSmcBean {
    private RichSelectManyChoice selectMcBind;

    public SetValueSmcBean() {

    /**Methos to set selected values in SelectManyChoice
     * @param actionEvent
    public void setSelectedValuesAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        ArrayList listVal = new ArrayList(20);
        //Add DepartmentId to list that you want to set as selected
        // Set this List as value using component binding
        //Refresh Component on page (partial target)

    public void setSelectMcBind(RichSelectManyChoice selectMcBind) {
        this.selectMcBind = selectMcBind;

    public RichSelectManyChoice getSelectMcBind() {
        return selectMcBind;

run application and check-

Downoad Sample Application
Thanks , Happy Learning :)

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Better User Interface- Oracle Alta UI for Oracle ADF 12.1.3

Great news for all ADF developers ,
Oracle has launched a design system for better user experience - Oracle Alta UI (much more than skin)

see press release- Oracle Announces New User Interface Design System for a More Engaging Customer Experience
As per documentation -

Oracle Alta UI is a new user interface design system that enables developers to create modern, visually pleasing, consistent, and engaging interfaces that can be easily distributed across all delivery channels.
The Oracle Alta UI design system provides a set of guidelines and best practices. The system is based on years of user experience and usability implementations and analysis by leading UI and design specialists.
Oracle Alta UI-based applications feature a simplified component structure and more open space to keep the focus on data.

See details of Oracle Alta UI- Oracle Alta UI

I have created a simple master detail page using Departments and Employees table of HR Schema using Jdev 12.1.3

by default skyros skin is applied in fusion web application, you can see this in trinidad-config.xml file under WEB-INF node

to apply Oracle Alta UI just change skin-family to alta

Now compare both UI , you will see a big difference

Full page-
Default Skin-

Alta UI-

See difference in af:inputDate and it's calendar
Default Skin-

 Alta UI- (icon is inside date field)

inputListofValues box is very attractive now-
Default Skin-

 Oracle Alta UI-
and magnifier icon is inside field now-

try it yourself and see difference in other components also
refer- Designing & Developing Oracle ALTA UI Apps
Sample ADF Application- Download

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Using Drag-Drop functionality in af:treeTable to move data between nodes -Oracle ADF

This is a very common question and development requirement - How to drag drop records inside treeTable to perform some kind of operation ?
This post is an answer,here i am using Departments and Employees table of HR Schema to create treeTable and Jdeveloper 12.1.3

First Step-
Create business components using Departments and Employees table of HR Schema and create association and viewLink using DepartmentId (here Departments is parent and Employee is child viewObject)

now drop Departments viewObject as treeTable on page from data-control
see- Tree Table Component in Oracle ADF(Hierarchical Representation)  (How to create treeTable in ADF)

So after creating simple treeTable, added  two columns other than nodeStamp to show DepartmentName and EmployeeName in a better way
see-Tree Table Component with declarative presentation in ADF

Finally it looks like this-

Now my requirement is - when drag an Employee to any Department node it should become child of that Department ,means attach Employee to Departments using drag-drop

So to drag Employee Name filed i added af:attributeDragSource under this field and to get corresponding EmployeeId added an af:clientAttribute component

This clientAttribute stores value of EmployeeId for each node and dragSource refers clientAttribute to identify node value
Now to handle dropEvent on DepatmentName node , dropped an af:dropTarget under this field and created a dropListener in managed bean that will handle desired operation on dropEvent

See complete af:treeTable xml source-

<af:treeTable value="#{bindings.Departments1.treeModel}" var="node"
                  selectionListener="#{bindings.Departments1.treeModel.makeCurrent}" rowSelection="single" id="tt1"
      <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
        <af:column id="c1" width="10">
          <af:outputText value="#{node}" id="ot1"/>
      <f:facet name="pathStamp">
        <af:outputText value="#{node}" id="ot2"/>
      <af:column id="c2" width="150">
        <af:outputText value="#{node.DepartmentName}" id="ot3"
          <af:dropTarget dropListener="#{pageFlowScope.DragDropBean.treeDropListener}">
            <af:dataFlavor flavorClass="java.lang.Object"/>
      <af:column id="c3">
        <af:outputText value="#{node.FirstName}" id="ot4" inlineStyle="font-weight:bold;color:darkgreen;">
          <af:clientAttribute name="DragEmployeeId" value="#{node.EmployeeId}"/>
          <af:attributeDragSource attribute="DragEmployeeId"/>

Now see the code of drop listener written in managed bean that gets EmployeeId value from dropEvent and DepartmentId from expression and calls a business logic to move employee under that Deaprtment

DropListener in ManagedBean to handle dropEvent-

    /**Method to move Employee Under Department
     * @param dropEvent
     * @return
    public DnDAction treeDropListener(DropEvent dropEvent) {

        Object empId = null;
        Integer dropVal = null;
        //Get Value from dragSource (EmployeeId of dragged node)
        DataFlavor<Object> df = DataFlavor.getDataFlavor(Object.class);
        empId = dropEvent.getTransferable().getData(df);
        if (empId != null) {
            System.out.println("Dropped value is -" + empId);
            try {
                dropVal = new Number(empId).intValue();
            } catch (SQLException e) {
            //Get DepartmentId where Employee is dropped (resolve Expression langusge)
            Object droppedUnderDept = resolvElDC("#{node.DepartmentId}");
            System.out.println("Dropped under-" + droppedUnderDept);
            //Method Call to mode Employee under Department
            OperationBinding ob = executeOperation("moveEmployeeToDepartment");
            ob.getParamsMap().put("deptId", Integer.parseInt(droppedUnderDept.toString()));
            ob.getParamsMap().put("empId", dropVal);
        /*Method to expand treeTable to show all nodes
         * see-
         * */
        //Refreshing treeTable after all operation, here treeTabBind is component binding of treeTable
        return DnDAction.NONE;


Helper methods to get BindingContainer and resolve expression-

    /*****Generic Method to call operation binding**/
    public BindingContainer getBindingsCont() {
        return BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();

     * Generic Method to execute operation Binding
     * */
    public OperationBinding executeOperation(String operation) {
        OperationBinding createParam = getBindingsCont().getOperationBinding(operation);
        return createParam;


    /**Method to resolve Expression
     * @param data
     * @return
    public Object resolvElDC(String data) {
        FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        Application app = fc.getApplication();
        ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
        ELContext elContext = fc.getELContext();
        ValueExpression valueExp = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, data, Object.class);
        return valueExp.getValue(elContext);

Now run your application and check -
Dragged Prabhakar from Purchase Department and dropped it on Finance-

Thanks, Happy learning :)
Download Sample App
See other post on Drag-Drop functionality- Adding Drag and Drop Functionality for collections in page fragments to create insert