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Showing posts with label parameter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parameter. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Dynamic (parameterize) model level validation using message token -Oracle ADF

Hello all
This post falls under ADF Basics category (about a little trick in model layer) but about a common development requirement
How can we create dynamic ADF BC validation ? means it takes a parameter at run time and append it to validation message

Read previous post on model level validation-
Conditional Execution of Model (EO) level Validation- Oracle ADF
ViewObject Validation rules for transient attributes (Model level validation in ADF)

In this post I am using Departments table of oracle HR Schema

  • First step is same , prepare model (EO,VO and AM) using Departments table

  • Creating a business rule that DepartmentName can not be duplicate, for this created a alternate key in EntityObject 

  • Nnow creating unique key business rule for this alternate key and message that appears on validation failure (this is how we apply EO level validations)

  • Run AM and check in BC4J tester, create a new row and on entering duplicate DepartmentName this validation message appears -"Duplicate Department Name"

  • now my requirement is this message should be like - Duplicate Department Name <Administration> , so for this i have to pass parameter in message that shows entered DepartmentName on run-time. ADF provides built in feature to pass tokens in message and on run time it is replace with groovy expression value

  •  On running see desired output

  • to pass more than one parameter just add another token and set groovy for it, see the screens

Thanks - Happy Learning :)

Monday 20 May 2013

Set and Get Value from Taskflow parameter (pageFlowScope variable) from Managed Bean- ADF

Hello All

This post is about getting and setting value in taskFlow parameter using Java Code so for that we have created a application with bounded taskFlow

Let's see how to do this -

We have bounded taskflow having Input Parameter defined in it named GLBL_PARAM_TEST

Bounded Taskflow Input Parameters

and we have to set its value from managed bean.
this is very simple -see how to do that
  • Get pageFlowScope Map and put parameter 's value in it

  •         Map paramMap = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().getPageFlowScope();
            paramMap.put("GLBL_PARAM_TEST", "Ashish"); 

  • And get Value from taskFlow parameter in managed bean

  •     public String resolvEl(String data){
                   FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                   Application app = fc.getApplication();
                   ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
                   ELContext elContext = fc.getELContext();
                   ValueExpression valueExp = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, data, Object.class);
                   String Message=valueExp.getValue(elContext).toString();
                   return Message;
    String param=resolvEl("#{pageFlowScope.GLBL_PARAM_TEST}");

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Passing parameter in XML Resource and Use it in Managed Bean, Using parameterised Resource Bundle in ADF

If we are developing an Fusion Web application and we are thinking about Multilingual application , then the best option i came to know is to use Resource Bundle properties of ADF . When we use resource bundle we have to use labels of Fields and Validation message or any kind of other custom message from a XML file as Resource.xml.
So first you should know that how to configure resource bundle in an ADF Application and there are plenty of posts about configuring Properties or List ResourceBundle.

In this post i will show you that how to pass parameter in XML or how to use Parametrized resource .

Suppose i  have a xml file for ResourceBundle reference Resource.xml--

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
  2. <bundle>
  3. <label>
  4.     <key>MessageCheck</key>
  5.     <value>Only %s %s %s %s %s allowed</value>
  6.  </label>
  7. </bundle>

and now i use it in managed bean to show a custom message and replace its parameters %s with any desired value then we code like this

  1. //To get String from XML key, resolvElDC is a method to resolve expression language
  2. String message = resolvElDC("#{bundle['MessageCheck']}").toString();
  3. //here replace parameter(%s) in string message with your values
  4. String saveMsg = message.format(message, ",", "/", "@", "_", "%");
  5. //Show FacesMessage
  6. FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(saveMsg);
  7. msg.setSeverity(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO);
  8. FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
  9. ctx.addMessage(null, msg);
  10. // Code for resolvElDC method
  11. public Object resolvElDC(String data) {
  12.     FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
  13.     Application app = fc.getApplication();
  14.     ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
  15.     ELContext elContext = fc.getELContext();
  16.     ValueExpression valueExp = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, data, Object.class);
  17.     return valueExp.getValue(elContext);
  18. }

Now run your code and see the updated message- Only %s %s %s %s%s allowed is now
FacesMessage Oracle ADF