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Tuesday 27 May 2014

ADF Basics : How to use FacesMessage to show multiline message

FacesMessage component is used to show confirmation, warning or informational message in Oracle ADF .In this tutorial, you will see that how to use FacesMessage component to show Multiline Message. Sometimes we need to show multilines message then how we implement this ?

this is same as FacesMessage implementation, you should know that af:messages support HTML formatting, so we use HTML formatting to show multiline messages
see more about FacesMessage -
about inline message

Managed bean code to show multiline message in ADF using FacesMessage-

    package multilineMessages.view.bean;
    import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    public class MultilineMessageBean {
        public MultilineMessageBean() {
        public void showMessage(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("<html><body>");
            message.append("<p><b>Hi This is Frist Line--Oracle ADF Message</b></p>");
            message.append("<p><i>Hi This is Second Line--Oracle ADF Message</i></p>");
            message.append("<p><b>Hi This is Third Line--Oracle ADF Message</b></p>");
            FacesMessage fm = new FacesMessage(message.toString());
            FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            fctx.addMessage(null, fm);

To use for Error and Warning just change FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO to SEVERITY_ERROR or SEVERITY_WARN.
It will look like this
You can change your Message accordingly

 you can also use some html styles (CSS) to change color of text that appears in message body , see the changed code

    public void showMessage(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("<html><body>");
        message.append("<p style='color:navy'><b>Hi This is Frist Line--Oracle ADF Message</b></p>");
        message.append("<p style='color:green'><i>Hi This is Second Line--Oracle ADF Message</i></p>");
        message.append("<p style='color:magenta'><b>Hi This is Third Line--Oracle ADF Message</b></p>");
        message.append("<p style='color:red'><b><i>This is Fourth line--Oracle ADF Message</i></b></p>");
        FacesMessage fm = new FacesMessage(message.toString());
        FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        fctx.addMessage(null, fm);

now see the FacesMessage look like this-
Happy Learning :-) Download Sample App

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