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Monday 2 April 2018

PL/SQL Exceptions

An error that occurs during execution of the program is called exception, Like other programming languages, PL/SQL offers a way to catch these exceptions and handle them.

There are two types of exceptions in PL/SQL

  1. System-Defined Exceptions 
  2. User-Defined Exceptions 

Friday 23 March 2018

PL/SQL For Loop

PL/SQL FOR loop is used when we need to execute set of statements for the specific number of times and loop operates between the start and end counter values. The counter is always incremented by one and once the counter reaches to end integer value, the loop terminates

The syntax of PL/SQL FOR Loop is like this

FOR counter_variable IN start value.. end value LOOP

statements to execute 


PL/SQL While Loop

PL/SQL WHILE loop is used to execute statements as long as given condition is true and the condition is checked at the beginning of each iteration

The syntax of PL/SQL While loop is like this

WHILE condition

statements to execute