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Tuesday 20 May 2014

Blocking row navigation in af:table , synchronize row selection with model in case of validation failure- Oracle ADF

In ADF we often work on editable af:table and when we use af:table to insert ,update or delete data, it is normal to use some validation
but problem is when some validation failure occurs on page (in af:table) ,still we can select another row and it shows as currently selected Row
this is a bit confusing for user as Row Selection of af:table is not synchronized with model or binding layer

See Problem- 
  • I have an editable table on page

  • Added a validation to check negative value in field of LocationId, now navigate to another row

  • See selected focus is on Academic, but problem is when there is validation failure, why it is showing other row as selected ? 

  • If you check in ViewObject , you will find that row with DepartmentName Human Resource is current row

ADF framework provides a property in af:table to control navigation in af:table when there is some error or validation failure- blockRowNavigationOnError
See in oracle docs about this proprty-

Valid Values: always, never, auto

Whether we want to block row navigation in case of validation failure.
This is when you select a row and do some editing inside the table or in a related form, and this editing causes some validation failures. At this time, if you click on a different row in table, we want to block you from moving to the new row.
possible values are: always, never and auto. default value is auto.

  • always means we block the row navigation
  • never means we don't block and let the row navigation happen
  • auto means the framework will make the decision

by default in af:tabel it's value is <auto>

Change it to <always> and now see behavior on page

 now if you try to select another row, it is not get selected and selected focus is on row with validation

Sample ADF Application-Download
Cheers - Happy Learning :-)

1 comment :

  1. Hello Sir i hope you are well, i'm working on CRUD case with , my field are autosubmitted. I have this behaviour: the cursor navigate from the newly added row to an existing row when i perform the action CreateInsert. I use the method to set focus on selected row but it didn't fix the problem. Please help me to fix the problem Souheil
