Thursday 29 November 2012

Add Serial No. in Table in ADF, Auto Increment column in ADF table

ADF provides easy way to add a autoincrement column in table to make Serial No. or Sequence Column for table ,thats value autoincrements with no.of rows in table .
You have to follow these steps to do this.

  • Go to tabel properties (property Inspector) and set VarStatus to vs

set varStatus of af:table to vs
  •  Now add a column in table and drop an output text inside this new added column
Add new column to af:table to show serial number for each row
  • Select output text and Go to its property inspector and set value to #{vs.index+1} as it is selected in Expression Builder by going through- 

using varStatus we can access various built in function like index,count etc
  • You have done now run your page and you can see a serial no. column
af:table with serial number column


  1. Very good example, it is really working , thanks for effort.

  2. how can i save this index value into DB?

    1. You can generate a serial no of sequence and then save it in DB
